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08-Snowflake AZ April 2022

We had a good time visiting with Brent and Gaylene at their place outside of Snowflake, AZ. Brent had the day off on the day we got there, so got a chance to visit with him after setting up the trailer. Sam and kids were a delight as well. We got the privilege of going through a windstorm while there and were thankful that we had Gaylene and Brent's house to shield us.


Arrived early afternoon and Brent was home, so setup trailer. Cindy stayed at the trailer while Brent and I went out to look at his section of ground, plus the survey on the split at their house property. Drank some beer while he drove me around, showing the property and surrounding area. Checked out the chickens he hatched out. Ate dinner, visited, and then off to bed for the night.

Woodruff Dam is a dam located just 13.2 miles from Holbrook, in Navajo County, in the state of Arizona, United States, near Woodruff, AZ. Woodruff is an unincorporated community in Navajo County, Arizona, United States. Woodruff is 10.5 miles (16.9 km) southeast of Holbrook. Woodruff was settled in 1876 by a group of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led by Nathan Tenney and including Tenney's son Ammon M. Tenney. It was initially called Tenney's Settlement. In 1878 Lorenzo H. Hatch became the head of the LDS branch there. At that point it was named Woodruff after Wilford Woodruff.


Brent had to work and Gaylene had a few things to work on, so Cindy watched over Teddy. Visited and Gaylene made lasagna for supper.


Gaylene and Brent both had to work today, so Cindy and I spent the day relaxing. I read the new FMCA magazine and listened to some podcasts. Got to bed late after wandering around with Brent feeding the horses and goats plus chickens.


Brent off work today so got to hang out with him visiting. Wind was out of control at 40mph with 65mph gusts. Brent and I ran into Tractor Supply this afternoon and got dog food, and Brent got a bunch of horse feed. They made prime rib for dinner and after visiting a bit after eating we got to bed, so we can get up and break camp and get onto the road.


Drove from Gaylene and Brent's place, leaving there around 8am. Fueled and dumped at Maverick in Showlow. There are 18 sites here, plus one for the host. 3 pit toilets are around the loop. They are just wrapping up 3 RV only sites that will have 15a, 30a and 50a hookups but no dump station. The water was off during our one night stay. Verizon was iffy at best with one bar of service that would occasionally let us send out a text message. BLM campsite in good repair. Might be a neat place to host as it is about the same elevation as Flagstaff. Did a walk about and paid for spot, ate some lunch and then sat in the sun and relaxed.

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