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Well, today started off with Cindy doing bill paying, while I sat on my bum just doing Facebook and such. After completing her bill paying, Cindy made breakfast, a 3 egg omelet with pepperoni and hard salami. Upon completing breakfast, Cindy got herself dressed, and we came over to Alicia's house. While the girls went to Alicia's place of employment for o/c products and to show off Ava to her coworkers, I took Lily for a walk around the neighborhood. Took Lily to the vet to help Alicia with the baby plus puppy.


Spent the majority of the day working on Chapter items, plus speaking with the gal from FMCA regarding the chapter. We have enough folks that are interested that we can start the rest of the paperwork to finish the chapter setup.


Rainy day today, so I broke out the laptop and started creating videos, plus uploading this that I created last year to our Rumble account. Cindy worked on stuff for the new FMCA Grand Design Chapter before going to Alicia's to help get the baby to the Dr. for her poke fest for blood tests.


Slow start to the morning with breakfast as well as uploading the last video I had made last year. Then off to UPS to process return items that were not needed for the baby, Ava. Then to Costco to exchange the ice maker and some clothes shopping. Also went to Duluth for clothing and a few bday gifts for Aaron, Tyce and grad gift for Landen. Our next stop was the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, both Cindy and I were very impressed by this museum. Watched their video presentation, then went through the museum taking pictures and enjoying all the displays. Wrapped up our adventure in the gift shop getting a bday gift for Maylyn and Bowen, now just need to get all these items mailed out. After leaving the museum, we stopped at the grocery store for food, then returned home. Snacked for food this evening, watched a couple of movies and Cindy started making ice, yes this one worked. Epiphany from movies that good, maybe gives us challenges here on earth to break down our pride so that we will rely on him rather than ourselves.


We were requested to come over to the kid's house via phone this morning. Alicia was a bit out of sorts with baby blues. We kept an eye on Ava while Brandon took her out for lunch to try and help cheer her up a bit. Brandon and I packed some of the garage up and loaded it in the jeep in preparation of the upcoming move back to Arizona. Supper at Arby's if you can call garbage food dinner. Then back home for TV and bed.


Downloaded pics and videos from Google photos to the hard drive so that I have them for slideshow creation. Over to Alicia's and Brandon's today to help with baby Ava, plus folks that were scheduled for water heater replacement and rodding out the sewer line for house sale. Got home early evening, and it must have rained extremely hard, as it was a mucky mess at the trailer. Covered the bikes with the cover, a bit late for keeping them out of the big rain, but now they are covered. Will need to make sure to put chairs under cover to keep them dry also. Danged if it didn't decide to dump rain again just before dark, plus a pretty good thunderstorm and good lightning. Watched YouTube videos for tonight's entertainment.


Worked on putting together a couple of videos today. Got it uploaded to Rumble. Also uploaded 3 videos to our YouTube channel. Did a little bit of text messaging with Missy. Sounds like they are all doing quite well. Sent her pictures of the hats that we got for Landen and Tyce. Did the usual taking of Chloe for walks around the park in the morning and the evening. Also had a phone call with Diane regarding what we will be doing in Nebraska as well as South Dakota when she joins us, as she would like to see if she can convince Elizabeth to come up and play with us.


Cindy went to the gym this morning, as well as grocery shopping when she was done. I managed to create another video of our travels, as well as getting it uploaded to Rumble. Still need to share it with all the sisters. The Internet was working quite slowly today, so it took a little bit of time in order to get the upload done. Went ahead and purchased the upgrade of the Movavi software. Also grabbed a few video recording apps for the phone. We are babysitting Miss Eva this evening while Brandon and Alicia go to their concert. We are also going to do a video call with Missy so that she can see the baby live. Will be a long evening for Chloe, but I think she will be alright, as I took her out to piddle around 2 PM.


Cindy spent the day at Alicia's, I have no idea what they did. I worked on videos here at the house as well as taking Chloe out for her usual walks. New neighbors came in on the north side of us from Florida. Carlos is a very nice gentleman as well as has a wonderful wife and children.


Called Perkins Chrysler Dodge dealership and set an appointment up for getting the recall work done on June 20 at 10:15 AM. Also found out that we can just show up to get the oil changed as well as the tires rotated. Cindy was able to help Alicia with the baby pictures this morning. While she was gone, I had the opportunity to talk with dad, and he sounds like he is doing quite well. I finished up two more videos today. I only need to add voice over to both of them, and they will be ready for upload. Because of the poor wiring here at the park, we were having an extreme voltage drop, so I changed the phasers on the 50 amp plug, which so far seems to have taken care of the problem. They have them mis-wired as they have a 50 amp plug which they are only feeding with a 12 gauge wire, which would be allowed by the tap room but which does not work because it allows too much voltage drop. Unfortunately, the people that work here at the park are morons when it comes to electricity, so I just did it and will not say a word. Had eggs and sausage for breakfast with toast. So far, I have just snacked through the afternoon.


Took Chloe for her morning walk to get the day started. Came back to the house and paid the land taxes as well as America's mailbox for the next year of service. We added both of these to the calendar for the future so that we will know when they are due. Wandered down to the insect museum here at the park and went through it. Took lots of pics as it was truly cool. Purchased stickers from there for Colorado, the RV park and the museum plus Colorado Springs. When we got back to the house, we put the stickers on the slide, as well as downloading pics from go pro and saved to google pics plus put them in an album for today's activity. Napped and watched movies for the rest of the afternoon. Cindy shampooed the rugs this morning. Added activities to the calendar for other things to do this month.


Started the morning off by listening to a chapter in Slanted as well as the Tannenbaum book. Took Chloe for a morning walk. Then off to get oil changed and tires rotated. While they were doing the service work at Perkins Dodge, we went to "Omelettes N More" and had breakfast. Dodge's shuttle driver took us there, and we walked back to the dealership after eating. Then Walmart, Costco for items and back home. Got back to the house around 2:15pm. Took Chloe for a quick walk and forgot to reload on poop bags, so will need to refill those for the next outing with her. Fairly warm day with temps pushing 90. Wrote scripts for 2 videos, just need to record them and add to the videos and upload. Also used them as blog posts on my blogger account, so when I finish uploading videos, I will need to add the videos to the posts to finish. Took Chloe for an evening walk and got in my 10k steps for the 2nd day in a row. Need to focus and keep that level of exercise going.


Cindy went to the gym. I took Chloe for her morning walk, which was not necessarily a long one. Finished uploading a video to YouTube. Created 2 blogger posts. Worked on another video. Took Chloe for a rather long walk this afternoon, trying to get close to my 10,000 steps for the day, but did not quite make it there. Smoked a roast to get in practice for Saturday when Danielle is here.


Got up this morning and took Chloe for her morning walk. Cindy went to the gym and over to Alicia's house, so I was able to have time to work a little bit on video as well as attempting to start building web pages. Called Tyce for his birthday and chatted with him for a few minutes.


After visiting the Penrose Museum, we went over to Brandon and Alicia's place. Cindy watched the baby, and I made a box and packed some pictures. Penrose Museum, Went over to the museum at about 10 AM. It was at the Broadmoor, so we had to park down in the garage. The museum is free and is quite impressive with all the carriages as well as all the cars and history that are shared regarding the pikes peak hill climb race. They are having their hundredth year celebration of the running of the pikes peak hill climb and so it was really interesting and fascinating as Brandon and I are going to be attending that affair. Got a whole lotta pictures and the museum was free, and they gave us a ticket, so we did not have to pay for parking.


Cindy went to Alicia's house and spent the day there. I stayed here and cooked the salmon.


Cooked roast on smoker for lunch. Dawnielle and Rick got here around 1:30pm, as well as Alicia n Brandon. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, and said the roast and salmon came out excellent. Rick and Dawnielle stayed till around 11:30 pm or so, visiting and chatting. They decided to sign up for FMCA while they were here.


Today was Father's Day, so I got a call into dad fairly early in the morning before events kicked off at his house with the BBQ they did with Laurie being in town. Missy went down and said that it was a good time. Sent messages out to Joe, Ben, Aaron, Brandon and Dave. We went out for lunch at Over The Border, which was ok but not outstanding.


Worked on videos today while Cindy went to Alicia's and helped out with Ava. Cindy ended up coming home and then back to the kids' house and stayed overnight and helped the kids with Ava, so they could get some rest.


Worked on videos by uploading the latest one that I finished. Also started working on some go pro training. Went over to the kids' house around 12pm and got the last chair that arrived out of the crate, broke the crate down and loaded the chair in the pickup. Cindy and I went down to Target to see if we could find lower flow nipples for Ava. Took that back to Alicia, said our goodbyes and came back to the trailer. Put the last chair in the house and threw the old one in the dumpster. Watched a bit of TV and then off to bed. Getting excited about the Hill Climb race this weekend.


Cindy went to the gym and then over to Alicia's to help out, got back around 10:15 am. While she was gone did some more training on GoPro.


Went over to the kid's house, and spent most of the afternoon and evening there. Helped Brandon a little bit with his flatbed.


We stayed home today while I got things ready for this weekend. Packing clothes, camera bags and such. Also spent part of the day working on videos. At around 4:30 p.m. We went downtown For the get-together they put on for the fans of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb. We enjoyed looking at cars, vendors, listening to drivers, and watching the circus motorcycle riders. Brandon and Alicia grabbed some food for dinner while we were down there.


Spent the morning and part of the afternoon here at the trailer, double-checking packing making sure water jugs were full, loading the truck with all of that stuff as well as Chloe's bed and food so that she and Cindy could stay at Brandon and Alicia's House while we go up to the hill climb. We went over to Brandon and Alicia's house at around 3:00 p.m., so that I could help Brandon load things as well as go grocery shopping. Pat and Dakota showed up before five, we got all their stuff loaded up, and were underway to the hill climb by 5 p.m. We got to the first parking lot at the North Pole store, at around 6 p.m., and the skies decided to dump buckets on us. Finally, it stopped raining after about an hour and a half, and we were able to cook dinner and eat, as well as clean up. Pat slept in the back seat, I slept in the passenger seat, and Brandon slept in the driver seat. Dakota set up his tent and slept in it behind the car.


The Folks at the North Pole parking area came around at about 2 a.m. And started knocking on cars and windows to let us know that it was go time. We loaded all of our stuff rapidly got the truck going, and were ready to head up the hill when they said it was time. We arrived at our parking area on top of the mountain at around 3:15, and took the easyup to put up by the raceway so that we would have a place to sit later today. Went back to the truck to grab some shut-eye in preparation for race day. I woke up at around 6:30 a.m., went and used the restroom, came back to the truck snuggled in under a blanket and tried to stay warm. Brandon chose to sleep on the ground just outside the truck, and it was quite humorous watching others walk by and do a double-take when they saw him lying there on the ground. Racing started it at 7:30 a.m. And we were all set up under our easyup enjoying the activity. Brandon made eggs and bacon for breakfast up at the easyup, and we ate while we were watching the entrance in the race go running by. Weather was not the best as it was cold, foggy and a bit windy. I was able to get a bit of video footage while watching the race that I was able to put a video together with. The parade of Champions occurred at around 3:30 p.m., and then we picked up all of our stuff, got it loaded in the truck and waited to be released, so we could head down the mountain. Between the large number of spectators, and the weather, it took us until 6:30 p.m. to get back to Brandon and Alicia's place. After Cindy and Alicia arrived back at the house, Cindy and I jumped in the truck and came back to the trailer tired but happy.


Being a bit tired this morning, we had a veg day. Cindy watched TV shows and I joined her in that as well as creating a few videos and articles. We got most of the stuff put away from the weekend as well as Cindy went grocery shopping and to the gym. I was able to get some articles put together for the website, as well as the video from the weekend's activities put together. Also started the upload of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb video to both YouTube and Rumble. Came up with a new procedure that I will attempt to do on all videos and articles from now on, which amounts to doing a Google doc, a Google sheet, and a Google slide plus a blogger post all pointing at one another.


Cindy went with Alicia to Ava's doctor appointment this morning. I stayed behind at the house working on articles, loading them up to the website, as well as creating the different Google Documents that I came up with to create some backlinking for my videos. Believe it or not, it has taken almost 24 hours to upload the rumble video. I am not sure that I am going to continue posting videos to rumble if I cannot upload them quicker than that. It took less than two hours to upload the YouTube video, both of which were the exact same video. Went over to the kid's house this afternoon and hung out while Brandon worked on the flatbed for his pickup, not for sure why, but so goes life.


Cindy went to the gym this morning, and while she was gone I made sure to get another video put together as well as the article for the website. Moved all of my notes over here. Our game plan is to go to the Money Museum today. We got everything completed by around 1 PM, and headed off to the museum. Cindy purchased entrance tickets from Groupon a couple of weeks ago, so we were able to go in for four dollars each. It was a very neat museum with a coin collection from a gentleman that had been collecting for over 50 years. The coins were well displayed as well as having excellent explanations posted about the display. They also had an entire room dedicated to the medals that the government has created and given out over time. A room with video showing some of the history of the minting of coinage as well as medals. Four or five electronic picture frames with a lot of historical photos. The downstairs area was a historical presentation of the tooling and press used to create both the coins and the medals. We took lots of pictures, so I will have to create a video out of them. Also found out that if we go to money.org that we can do a virtual tour of everything that is in the museum. Bought a sticker from the museum and put it on our sticker slide. After leaving the museum, we went to Huhot for lunch, which is a Mongolian grill where you create your own plates, and then they grill it in front of you. It was good, maybe an eight on a scale of 10. Went to Crumbl Cookies on our way back to the trailer and purchased a half dozen of their cookies, which should take care of our sweet tooth until we leave here. Upon getting back to the trailer, Cindy changed into comfy beddy kind of clothing, so she can relax the rest of the evening. Time to take Chloe for her evening walk, and then I can do the same. She tells me that next Wednesday we will both have to go over to the kids house as Alicia needs help taking Ava to the dentist to take care of her mouth. And she needs me to take care of Lily, as she will be one day removed from her spayed appointment.


Got up this morning and grabbed the stuff out of the truck that I would need to do some upkeep on the trailer today. Got Cindy on her way to the gym as well, as she is babysitting baby Ava today. I started work on another video for Santa Rosa Lake State Park. Uploaded all the photos taken yesterday at the Money Museum to Google and put them in their own album. Took Chloe for a walk for the morning. Enjoyed the rest of my Crumbl cookie flavor of chocolate chip. Wrapped up video for Santa Rosa Lake State Park and have it uploading to YouTube and Rumble. Still need to do my webpage as well as my Google doc, google sheet, google slide and my blogger post. It has been raining most of the day off and on, pretty much keeping me stuck indoors and poor Chloe going nuts. Perhaps it will eventually give us a break so that we can get outside. Cindy sounds like she had a good time babysitting Ava as well as doing stuff around Alicia's house. Wrapped up recording the video for Santa Rosa Lake State Park and got it uploaded to YouTube and working on Rumble. Not really sure why Rumble proves to be such a pain in the ass to attempt to upload videos to. I don't know if they throttle you on bandwidth, as it takes 5 to 6 times as long to load the same video to Rumble as it does to YouTube. The Santa Rosa video has been going for 984 minutes, and it's only at 84% of the upload. I may call and complain to them to see what can be done to speed that up.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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