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July 1, 2022

So I am enjoying my 1st cup of bulletproof coffee. Adding butter and MCT oil to coffee was not something I had ever thought of, but it's proving to be quite tasty.

Downloaded music from YouTube so that I can quit having to change out my music after upload. Just goes to show that you can't trust people when they say that it is not copyrighted when you purchase it. Hopefully, in time, I will get all that figured out so that I no longer have to worry about it. Took Chloe for her walk this morning, she did a double shit on me. She also has a bad habit of walking right down the damn road, and it seems like there's always traffic here anymore whenever I try to walk her. Created new notes for all stops through the end of August. We went over to the kid's house to babysit Ava while the kids went down and signed final papers on their home sale. They took us out to dinner at the restaurant Bonefish, which was a superb restaurant. It rained pretty good during the afternoon, so at least they are still getting some moisture here in Colorado Springs. Also, uploaded the video for the Money Museum but still need to create all the Google properties as well as our own website article. Started using the Handbrake program, which compresses a video enough to make it actually quite quick to upload a very long video to YouTube and Rumble. This latest video was 27 minutes, and I was able to upload the video to both services in under an hour.


Started this morning off with our usual take Chloe for a walk, cup of coffee, and unfortunately ate a big whack of one of them sweet cookies. Left the trailer about 845 and stopped at Walmart, so Cindy could do her shopping she thought she had to do there, and then came over to the kid's house to begin working on getting them ready to move. So my first project of the day was to cut up the pallets, the one that came with our chair as well as the long pallet that Brandon had against the side of the house. Cut those up, lit them on fire and got them burned down to where they were safe by about 2 PM. In the meantime, the girls were packing inside. When I got done with the fire, I worked on some of the videos or rather pictures from the May Museum that we had taken. When Brandon got home from work, went out and helped him with the work on his new flatbed. Cindy purchased pizza for supper and after eating we chatted for a little bit and then headed home. Back at the trailer, how to movie going and also continue to work on some of my photographs from the May Museum.


Today started by taking Chloe for her morning walk around the park, this time going around the pond. It was a double bagger morning for Chloe today. Got back to the trailer, had some coffee, ate some breakfast, watched a few videos and prepared to go over to the kid's house. Took Chloe with us over to Alicia and Brandon's place so that she would not have to spend the day by herself. Overall, her and Lily got along quite well. While the girls worked on stuff inside as well as taking care of Ava, Brandon and I continued to work on his truck bed. It is coming along quite nicely, and shows the skill that Brandon has when it comes to creating things with metal. Left their place around 9 PM, got home, unwound for a little bit and went to bed.


With today being the Fourth of July, we actually got over to the kid's house after 12 PM. On our way over, we stopped and got a couple of smoothies for them, as well as some Arby's roast beef for me. Chloe stayed home today as with all the fireworks being set off in town, we did not want to have her be upset all day. I helped Brandon to finish up with his yard work. We then began work on the bed again and made good progress with it, now have all the cross pieces as well as the exterior skirt all in place. By the end of the day, we were at the point where Brandon just has to finish all the welding on the top, at which point we can turn it over to allow him to weld the bottom. We had barbecue from Rusty's for dinner. That neighborhood that the kids live in goes nuts with fireworks, so it sounded like a war zone most of the evening. We arrived at home around 9 PM and settled in for a nice quiet night of sleep.


Cindy was on the hook to help Alicia with Little Miss Ava while Alicia took Lily in to be spayed. Cindy indicated that she would be there all day, and she would need to watch Ava when Alicia goes to pick up Lily from the veterinarian. In the meantime took Chloe for her morning walk and after Cindy left worked on the video as well as the webpage for the time during April when we were at Brent and Gaylene's. Also, this video covered our stay at Datil Well, as well as the large array.

With Cindy being gone all day, I had a lot of time to work on not only the video, but also the website. So I got our contact page, about page, index page, as well as the homepage all put together and uploaded. Still have a few links that are not working that I need to take care of, but overall it seems to be in good shape.


Took Chloe for a longer walk this morning, and she seems to be much happier today. Finished Tanenbaums book that I was listening to this morning, so I will have to start a new one. We have the presentation that FMCA is doing today at 2 PM, I believe. Also signed up for a Zoom meeting training that the geeks are doing on Snapseed to get a better handle on how to edit my photos. Started work on the Fort Craig, New Mexico video. Now I am on Lily duty as she had her spay surgery yesterday, so she has to stay mellow, while Cindy and Alicia take Ava to the doctor for her mouth. Brandon came home early from work, so I did not get an opportunity to watch the Zoom meeting on Snapseed. Also did not get a chance to watch the FMCA video on Lincoln, but Cindy and I were able to watch it late tonight. Help Brandon to flip his bed so that he could weld the bottom portions of it. Looks like tomorrow we will need to flip it back over and set it on the truck.


Cindy and Alicia are having a shopping day out, so I am staying here at the trailer to work on some items such as videos to try and get them knocked out. Was able to wrap up the video for Fort Craig New Mexico as well as all the web post, Blogger, Google doc, Google sheet, Google slide, as well as uploading the video to YouTube and Rumble. My next project is to create the video for the pro rodeo Hall of Fame, as well as all the accompanying documentation. Went over to the kid's house and helped Brandon with the bed he is building. On the way over to their house, we stopped at Smoothie King for a bit of refreshment. Cindy and Alicia had a good shopping day, they said. Was able to do the complete video and posts for the ProRodeo Hall of Fame and be in bed by 11:45pm.


Took Chloe for a walk this morning while Cindy was at the gym. Stopped and chatted with the gentleman down the line from us that lives in Tucson, had a great visit with him. When I got back to the house, I got on the computer and put together all the articles that I need to write in order to finish up videos for 2022 to the current date, as well as all the past three years on our Google Drive.

Did the Olympic and Paralympic Museum today. The building is amazing, the architects did a very unique design that flows well as you go through the facility. When you go in you get an electronic badge that you register into the Electronic system of the museum, and it allows you to be interactive as you go through the museum, and it saves your whole trip and interaction to your account. You also get to keep your badge when you are finished. We had a Groupon deal which was our entrance fee plus a 12\" pizza each and 1 beverage. The place was amazing and a spot I would recommend to everyone. After getting back to the trailer I attempted to repair the valve on the toilet which was a total disaster, not for sure if it was the spring or what but as soon as would cycle the foot pedal it would just pop off. So we ended up running down to Camper World and buying a new toilet and installing it. Got our shipment from Grand Design with candles for swag at Lincoln. However, the candles are Citronella candles in the metal buckets and there are 40 of those dogs. So we will need to deal with them till we get to Lincoln. Also got our feather flag and pole, so we will be good to show off at all places we stop, plus at rallies.


Spent the day at the kids house, Brandon working on his truck flatbed, girls inside doing whatever girls do inside. Had dinner with them, John was over for dinner, Alicia's coworker and husband and their son were over for dinner. It was good food, however I am beginning to tire of being at their house and not doing much of anything and not having anything to do with my own stuff, so things at the trailer are not getting accomplished like they should be.


Talked with dad today, sounds like he's doing as good as can be expected with the issues he has. Found out that sister Debbie had another stroke and is in intensive care without having had a trach performed as they had to put her on a ventilator, not sounding good in that department. Received news that Uncle Bob has been in the hospital and has been given 6 to 9 months to live and has some sort of heart issue that is causing the problem that will eventually cause his demise. Also learned that Alan and Karla are dealing with the Covid. In speaking with Alan he said that he seems to think that he's about done with it but starting to feel much better. We moved all the candles to the inside of the trailer, and they totally fill up the couch and are stacked so high you almost can't see out the back window. We washed the pickup today inside and out, and I also put the new fuse on the inverter, so hopefully that will hold power so that she can use everything in the trailer except for the AC unit. Had thunderstorms roll in just before dark last night with winds that shook and rocked the trailer, plus blew dust all around.


Took Chloe for her morning walk today, we went on down into the pasture area below the pond so that she could stretch her legs and be off leash for a bit. Grabbed a shower when I got back to the trailer, and I'm currently catching up on these daily logs. We went over to Alicia and Brandon's, and Cindy n Alicia made caramels and did some packing. I helped Brandon on the flatbed while he changed the brakes on his Ranger. We were able to get the flatbed on the pickup and bolted down. Alicia's friend of KKK came over, and they made another batch of caramels, then we went out for pizza, then Crumbl cookies then home for the day. Also, we washed the truck before we went over to the kid's house.


Today was Chloe's vet appointment for her ear. Vet and all the staff were very friendly. Turns out that Chloe has a yeast infection in her ear, so we will have to wash the ear every day, give her an antibiotic, and some supplements for her hips. Did some organizing on the truck and trailer in preparation for leaving on Saturday.


Chloe seems to be feeling a bit better taking her supplements and shows a bit of spunk that she hasn't had for some time. Cindy did laundry this morning, so I took advantage of that time to get all the articles that I need to write started on the phone. After Cindy got back with laundry, we made the bed and put the clothes away, and then it was time to get to work in earnest. Filled the fresh tank, organized the front bin. Washed the trailer using the waterless wash n wax that we bought in Quartzsite this spring. Put the security devices on the bikes and got them loaded into the back of the pickup. Cindy cleaned and organized inside the trailer, so we are looking good for heading out on Friday. Steak for dinner and Cindy had rice and beans plus had an egg sandwich for dinner. Still need to put away my electronic cabinet to be able to leave on Friday. Will need to fuel the truck tomorrow and pick up some more chew tomorrow. We are supposed to go over to the kid's house in the morning. Also added the tourist stops to the calendar for Fort Laramie, Fort Robinson and the Black Hills. So hopefully ready in that realm for that segment of the trip. Snacked on some popcorn while watching movies this evening. Got my electronic cabinet packed and ready for travel, leaving one item closer to being ready for travel day on Friday. Definitely getting excited to be moving again.


Today was our last day in the Springs. We went over to the kid's house at about 9:30 AM and picked up smoothies from smoothie king on our way. When we got over to their house, helped Brandon and Alicia to get the stuff down out of the attic. Did a bit of chatting amongst ourselves and then went down to old town Colorado city and checked out the stores and what not in that area. Then we went out to dinner, which was an interesting place that was Brazilian food in a Smorgasbord type set up. They had a humongous salad bar and pasta bar, which you could do unlimited. And then the servers walked around with skewers of meat and if you wanted some you just ask them for some, so it was a neat experience and a good time with the kids. Got back to the trailer too late to get much of anything done to be ready to leave tomorrow, so will have to do all the travel preparation work tomorrow.

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