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29-Pawnee Buttes July 2022

Pawnee Buttes


Today was our travel day, so we got up early and started dumping holding tanks and filling water tanks as my first chore of the day. In the meantime, Cindy put the inside together to be ready to travel forth on our next adventure. We were able to get out of the park at Golden Eagle at around 9 AM. We had 222 miles of travel in order to reach our destination of the recreation area by Pawnee buttes. Pulled in here at around 1 PM, got ourselves set up with temps pushing 100° and a higher level of humidity we were both filling the heat pretty severely. Got out the generator cords etc. and fired that up so that we could have air conditioning, and we spent the afternoon luxuriating in around 85° temps inside the trailer, but at least it was dryer and had some air movement. Had taco salad for lunch around 3:30 PM, and watched some movies. Evidently that generator has to work a bit with the air conditioning running, as we went through a large portion of one 5 gallon propane cylinder in order to run the AC for the day. So we will need to find a place close that we can top off cylinders, as we don't have enough propane to make it through the four days here. We went up to the pay booth just before dark and literally got mobbed by mosquitoes, so tomorrow will be a day of needing to wear long pants and a long shirt so that we can spray ourselves to keep these vampire suckers away from us.


I got up this morning and let Chloe out and got a few pictures of the sunrise. After Cindy got up and dressed, we put up the screen tent that she has, still both of us despising that thing. Rick and Danielle are coming out today, so we will be seeing them around 1 PM and enjoying some lunch and camaraderie with the two of them. Still need to go down and pay for our spot here at this campground at Pawnee buttes. This area is called the Crow Valley recreation area, and they have a 10 site no frills' campground here. You get a fire ring, you get a picnic table and a place to park your truck and trailer, and they do have pit toilets. However, they charge you an arm and a leg to stay here. It's either $15 for a single site or $22 a night for a double site, and there is no dump station or water available here. Pretty much appears to be our national forest service at their best, screwing the American people. Danielle texted Cindy a message that she overdid last night so would it be possible to come out tomorrow to visit, which of course is fine, so we will see them tomorrow. Spent part of the morning working on another web page for our website. Cindy changed into a sundress and is watching movies and attempting to stay cool. The above prices are incorrect that we got from the US.gov website. According to the rates at the self pay station are $16.50 for the double site like we are in and $11 for single site. They have extended a 25% discount due to the lack of potable water at the campground. Spoke with Dad today and he sounds like he is doing good. He asked that we get Pat’s phone number from Roxy when we are in Fort Laramie if we can for him. Saw a video that Roxy put on messenger of U Bob trying to talk about where his grandfather is buried at. Appears to me that he has slipped fairly far mentally with Alzheimer's. Not good to see for sure. We drove to the local filling station to fill a propane tank, but they don't fill propane there. While out, we also went to the liquor store and found some beer we were interested in and picked it up. Came back to the trailer after dinner and watched some movies and attempted to stay cool. The lady next door asked if I could verify if she had her trailer hooked up properly, which she didn't have the ball coupler clamped around the ball. Helped her fix that, and now she is ready to move onto her next stop safely. It's amazing how warm it has been and just how wimpy Cindy and I are regarding the heat. Hope we get better at dealing with it, as we will be in warm country for the rest of the summer.


Well today, Danielle and Rick are supposed to be coming for a visit, so I drove up to the local gas station and put gasoline in the generator. Did this in an attempt to have enough propane for finishing out today with the generator, plus still have fuel for tomorrow. They only have 85 octane at the station so won't be getting any truck fuel from them, plus they are at $5.45 a gallon, what a rip-off.

Our company arrived around 2pm and we had a wonderful visit. Cindy made a Mississippi roast in the pressure cooker and it came out awesome. We went through the gas and last of propane in bottle 2 in an attempt to keep things somewhat cool in the trailer. Tomorrow will be even more of a struggle with that as the forecast high is 103. Getting down right warm, it is. One would think it's summertime. Cindy has set up a Zoom meeting for tomorrow, so will have to come up with an outline of what we need to cover with the Grand Design FMCA Chapter. We will attempt to have everything rolled up and ready to load by dark tomorrow so that we can stuff the truck, hookup the trailer and be on our way fairly early on Tuesday morning. Danielle, Rick and ourselves are looking forward to the Lincoln NE FMCA get together.


Well it's forecast to be a hot one today here at 103. In preparation for moving tomorrow, we put the screen room away as well as the recliner chairs. Went up to the local gas station and filled the fuel tank on the generator, to help us have enough fuel for the day. It should take us into the early afternoon, and a full propane tank should help us to ride out this hot day. Cindy dealt with sending out reminders to the Facebook group members that they need to fill out and return the form for the chapter. Guess we will be removing anyone that doesn't get it filled out from the Facebook group. I need to make an itinerary for today's Zoom meeting.

Well, the forecast temp for the day of 103 arrived and the ac on the trailer worked its butt off and the generator burned 3.4 gallons of gas and most of a propane cylinder to keep the house down around 87 degrees. We got through it and that is what matters. The Zoom meeting that Cindy setup went well, with 4 other folks from the group showing up. Got good suggestions on some items to grow the group, so will implement some of those ideas in Lincoln at the FMCA event.

We head out in the morning for Fort Laramie so got the screen room taken down today and bagged plus also the chairs to be ready for breaking camp. Also grabbed a shower this evening.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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