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Another iconic landmark from the Oregon Trail, this is a neat quick stop. There is a small museum run by the Nebraska State Park system that you can go through, plus get your pictures of chimney rock.
The only thing is that this monument, due to erosion over the years is not as spectacular as one would hope. Having grown up mon Western Movies, I expected it to be extremely tall, where it would be highly visible from a long distance. This did not prove to be the case. However it is a piece of history from the western expansion of our country and truly is a stop worth making, to tie that history together for yourself.
From Wikipedia: Chimney Rock is a prominent geological rock formation in Morrill County in western Nebraska. Rising nearly 300 feet above the surrounding North Platte River valley, the peak of Chimney Rock is 4,228 feet above sea level. The formation served as a landmark along the Oregon Trail, the California Trail, and the Mormon Trail during the mid-19th century. The trails ran along the north side of the rock, which remains a visible landmark for modern travelers along U.S. Route 26 and Nebraska Highway 92. Chimney Rock National Historic Site was designated in 1956 and is an affiliated area of the National Park Service, operated by History Nebraska.
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