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Prairie Homestead

On our way back ran into this little stop on the way so swing in to see what it might be about. Just an old broke down homestead that is on the historical record that they have created a state park out of. The neat part about this one is that they have white prairie dogs that are not found anywhere else. In getting pics they are very friendly and came up to us, but we didn't feed them, just took photos.

The Prairie Homestead, an original sod home of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brown, was built in 1909. It is typical of the homes and outbuildings that pioneers built.

This home is one of the last remaining original sod homes intact today. These pioneers played a very important part in settling the Great Plains.

Take a glimpse back in time at how life was for early pioneers by taking the interpretive walking tour.

Watch our informative movie and then dress in Early Pioneer attire (if you want), before heading out to explore the old out buildings and sod house. You will feel like you stepped off the pages of “Little House on the Prairie”.

Exit 131 south of I-90 2 ½ miles, ½ mile north of Badlands National Park

The Homestead sits just one half mile North of the east entrance to South Dakota’s Badlands National Park. Located 20 miles east of the town of Wall and twenty miles west of Kadoka.

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