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Today was our travel day to Lincoln for the FMCA 105th Golden Getaway. A drive of just under 200 miles. It was a pleasant day for the drive with some cloud cover which kept the temps down. Arrived in Lincoln at about 12:30am and got checked in and parked. The parking area for this event is in a field that looks like it could have been a hay field. We have 30 amp power plus water but no dump, so will have to pay $30 to get dumped off that becomes necessary. We went down for the BBQ that they put on for the early arriving crew of volunteers.
We will get the rest of our stuff for the chapter tomorrow when the rest of the FMCA staff arrive on site. Got some pictures of the sunset and posted to the Facebook group for the chapter. Will have to focus on getting photos of the activities of the event and share on Facebook for the chapter. I think we got the calendar back in shape so that the correct times are now showing for the stuff we have to do while here.
Today was welcome bag stuffing day. We arrived at the proper location, Pavilion 4 to help with this. There were around 75 folks there. With all the helping hands, the job was completed in about an hour. 1000 bags ready to hand out. Lots of hands make large tasks small for sure.
Chloe got her walk early this morning and I found an area that I was able to let her off leash to run free for a bit. Since we started the joint supplement, she acts like a pup again, which is saying a-lot at 13 years old. Grabbed breakfast and filled the water tank with the new filter setup, which worked great. After bag stuffing, Cindy and I ran down and took care of laundry and shopping.
Put up the Grand Design feather this afternoon, it looks good. Sat outside the rig visiting with Cindy Linda and the fellow next door, and one drop in visitor. Nice chat and good weather made for an enjoyable evening.
Got news that Lanny had an aneurysm let go this afternoon, and unfortunately I don't believe he will make it. Sad news and sure hope that Barb will be ok.
Started the day off with the usual morning walk for Chloe. Went to grab a shower and realized gas and electric were turned off to the water heater, so turned those on. While the water was heating, I drank some coffee then took a quick shower. The second task of the morning was to hand out welcome bags to the arriving travelers. With our shift done, we tracked down the FMCA office and Penny. Got things setup to print a flyer for her to put in rigs for sale, as well as for a table at the chapter fair. Also picked up the chapter banner and the National Director plaque and were able to stow the candles at the office area and get them out of the trailer.
Cindy n Linda ran to the grocery store and when they got back Linda accidentally locked her rig with the keys inside so had to have a locksmith out to get her in. Got a photo of the parking level of rigs and posted to the chapter Facebook page.
Cindy and I did our Monday morning appointments as scheduled. Rick and Danielle arrived safely and got setup.
Handed bags out plus added in missing cards plus sorted those bags out which only had one FMCA Rally stickpin.
Meeting to cover items up for vote at the governing board for discussion plus explanation of those items.
Thoroughly enjoyed it! Got to meet a lot of new people.
Had the National Directors meeting and briefing first thing this morning. They went over the parliamentary procedures and the schedule for tomorrow's meeting.
Chapter fair day and 1st timers meeting this afternoon, and we did well getting rid of all the candles, plus picking up 5 new members for the chapter. Fun downtown for the evening with live entertainment. Decent local band, all of which Blue Ox sponsored.
The biggest highlight of the day was Diane arriving and getting to enjoy this adventure as well.
The 1st item was the budget report for 2023 and actual financials for 2022. FMCA is currently in a bit of a financial challenge due to a couple of items. Tech Connect and low returns on investments. Rates of return are coming up with a -5.5% rate of growth in Aug, up from a -10.3% in June. Tech Connect became an issue because of the amount of money being generated, putting FMCA above the profit level allowed for a non profit. We have retained an attorney to help with the issue dealing with the IRS. Tech Connect has been moved over to FMC, the for-profit side of the organization which has been reflected on the books, making things look different on the accounting pages. Also, member costs went up for the program with this move, as it is now a business plan rather than a non profit plan. There are now 2 levels to the plan, with a 12mb plan and a 25mb plan. The 25mb plan costs an additional $5 per month. The budget for 2023 was accepted and adopted as presented, The spring international event will be held in Perry, Georgia March 15-18. Due to Covid-19, a registered nurse was retained to help deal with that issue. To give members the incentive to recruit new members, an affiliate plan has been put together that will allow members to be paid $10 for each signup that they get. One must have a PayPal account for payout of commissions. Passed an amendment to the bylaws to allow chapters to only need 3 individuals for their governance down from 4, doing away with requiring an alternate National Director. The long range planning committee plan with their 9-step approach to grow the membership was approved as presented. FMCA is using billboards for advertising in areas like Quartzsite and other popular RV destinations. Have developed a qr code that will take people straight to the sign-up page on the website, and are working on developing an ambassador program. Approved holding the Spring 2024 International in Tucson.
Today was spent in the Governing Board Meeting. Following that we went to the evening entertainment which was a wonderful country singer. Then back to the Rig's and hung out at Rick and Dawnielle's rig until about 1030, then it was off to bed.
Took Chloe out for her constitutional. Dug out some more allopurinol pills as I've got my knee flared up. So now it's off to all the events that are scheduled for today.
Starting the day off with the President's Address, we'll see how that matches up with what we discussed in our governing board meeting yesterday. Covered pretty much all the same info that we had at the Governing Board Meeting.
The President's report for this year highlighted the challenges that they've had due to Covid-19 as well as the complication of higher fuel prices which have impacted the travel of FMCA members and attendance at rallies and conventions.
They hired new consultants to review the economic status of the FMCA. Also, they have hired and retained an attorney for input on sound legal advice for the FMCA.
Due to the COVID-19 problems, they also hired a registered nurse for her medical advice on how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
With COVID-19, their policy was that current employees would not need to be vaccinated but that new hires would have to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination prior to starting work at FMCA.
They currently have 37 full-time and part-time employees.
Rett said that he divided the membership member services committees into three committees, the first which does the member recruitment for recruiting only. The second was to get member benefits for US members, and the third was to get member benefits for our Canadian members.
With the Tech Connect program they had to move it over to FMC, the for-profit side of FMCA so that caused the price of the program to go up.
With Renita Jones retiring, they had to outsource the printing and sales of the magazine , which unfortunately did cause prices to go up slightly for the production of said magazine.
As far as finances go, FMCA saw an increase for May 2021 of $3,097,820 to $5,173,023 as of May 2022.
With the lower numbers and attendance at the conventions, continued lower income and increasing cost for the magazine, effects of higher fuel cost and tighter economic factors lowering investment return, FMCA will have several more months of strained finances. The best and fastest way to come out of this situation is to increase our membership numbers, and one on one contact is the best way to make long lasting members.
The governmental and legislative affairs committee continues to work on the DEF issues.
FMCA Assist loss ratio limits have stayed lower which therefore means that the rates will not be increasing on FMCA Assist through 2023 as well as Chubb was able to give us the additional benefit of accidental death and dismemberment, emergency room cash benefits, and travel interruption benefits.
In conclusion, the President said with the steps of the executive board that were taken this year, FMCA is in good shape to withstand the times ahead. He was looking forward to working with all of the FMCA members to have another successful year and a terrific 2023.
Founded in 1992 by "Speedy Bill and Joy Smith, the "Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed" is dedicated to preserving, interpreting and displaying physical items significant in racing and automotive history. The museum is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) private foundation and currently encompasses more than 150,000 ft.² over three levels. The vast collection resulted from the Smiths personal involvement in racing and hot rodding for more than six decades, and their lifelong passion for collecting and preserving historic automotive artifacts.
Millions of hours were spent, as Bill put it, "turning over rocks and chasing countless leads" to assemble a collection of this magnitude. As a result, museum visitors will witness a stunning array of history-making cars, engines, parts, toys and memorabilia. You'll see countless rare and one-of-a-kind items, all presented in beautiful displays and dioramas that will make you feel like you've taken a step back into the past!
Today, we are striving to foster innovation with younger generations by hosting educational and family friendly events to engage those in our local community. Through these our hope is to continue to fuel the passion for automotive history, innovation, and technical skills with our future generations to come.
The "Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed" presents examples of man's fascination for speed and engineering in a wide range of racing venues from the early stages of the automobile, to the 21st-century.
Visitors to the "Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed" will be treated to 150,000 ft.² of display space housing thousands of examples of vintage engines, performance parts and accessories, race cars and historic automobiles for the past 100 years.
The collection includes hundreds of professionally restored antique high performance engines, as well as scores of historic and significant racing cars, show cars, classic cars, hot rods, street rods and many one-of-a-kind examples
Harry Miller, world renowned engineer and designer, is recognized as the father of speed of the early 20th century. Our Harry Miller Gallery features a number of Miller built engines, including one of his 2 V-16 Indy engines and a 1935 Front-Wheel Drive, Miller Ford Indy two-man race car.
The museum is also home to thousands of aftermarket accessories and speed equipment for the Ford model T. Everything from water pumps to wheels is on display, including the 5 millionth model T to roll off the Ford assembly line.
The "Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed" features the world's largest collection of pedal cars. There are over 500 pedal cars, many preserved in their as found condition and others impeccably restored.
Regardless of whether you are a gear head, a collector, or a casual observer, the "Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed" will not disappoint.
Cindy did the Into(international) area gathering while I was at the Speedway Museum and received the banner for the chapter. Evening entertainment started with the opening ceremonies and had a rock band playing 60's music.
FMCA benefits seminar: Cindy got pics of all the slides used in the presentation
Fun and quick as usual
Minutes as posted by Cindy on the Facebook Group
Finished out the day at Rick and Danielle's chatting. Rick smoked an excellent salmon.
Attended and scanned the President's report.
Drove carts starting at 3pm through 6pm. Due to weather plus being the last day, it turned out to be extremely quiet. Rained pretty hard, so I got a bit wet. Came back to the trailer and changed into dry clothes. We went and fueled the truck, grabbed a bite to eat then came back and listened to the entertainment then back to the trailer. Diane came over, and we put together a small plan of what to do while in Wichita visiting her and her kids.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.
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