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Aug 28th 2022

Got up early and said goodbyes to Diane as she headed home today. Started the morning in casual mode as we only have a 60 mile drive today and check in is not till 4. Linda went over and got her coach weighed at 8. Through text, Cindy was able to ascertain that we could come in early as they have a spot where we were able to park if our spot was not open. So, we started loading up. After getting everything loaded up, we hooked up and stopped by Peggy and Tony's and said our goodbyes, and we were on our way.

When we came into the park, I made a wrong turn and ended up having to back out, so we could go the right direction into the campground. The hosts here are wonderful folks that are local farmers also. We were able to get into our site around 3 and dealt with the unlevel site and finally got setup. Not sure why exactly, but we were not working well with each other today. In looking at the trailer tires, the back axle on both sides is showing a wear pattern that is indicative of being overweight. We will have to come up with a game plan on how to deal with that. Both of us were fairly tired after the FMCA event in Lincoln, so we enjoyed the ac and watched some brain dead TV. Bedtime came early.

Aug 29th 2022

Started the morning off attempting to catch up and complete my logs from the FMCA 105th Golden Getaway event in Lincoln, Nebraska.

We didn't accomplish a lot today, other than attempting to rest up from our high-level energy expenditure at the FMCA Lincoln Rally. Prepped things as evening came on along so that we could be ready to leave in the morning to get new tires put on the trailer. We were able to find a dealership in Nebraska city that carried the Goodyear endurance trailer tires. And contacted Goodyear, and they will extend a 15% discount to us because of the FMCA Tire program.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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