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83-Kansas AviationMuseumSept2022

Kansas Aviation Museum


The history of the Kansas Aviation Museum Building.

Fun facts

Because the airport was the stop-over for refueling for trips across the country, many celebrities spent layovers waiting in this building. Howard Hughes. Amelia Earhart. Charles Lindbergh. Eleanor Whitney. Gregory Peck. Fred Astaire – well waiting for a flight, Fred Astaire gave an impromptu tap dance across the atrium floor.

September 25, 1945: the Wichita municipal airport hangar burned down in 1945. The hangar had been used as the airport until the municipal Airport building was finished in 1935. Mary Van Sioc was on duty in the tower that night. She had just sent a plane off, and saw the fire. An engine had caught fire and spread due to the chemicals in material used on the planes at the time. She called the fire department, yet 27 Planes, one fire engine, and the building were lost. Thankfully, there was no loss of life and no injuries were sustained.

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