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Tuesday Nov 29 2022
Moving day from Joe's to here with a short 45 mile drive
Hooked up trailer and ready to travel by around 11am as was quite cold this morning
Found we fit easily into Kurt n Nancy’s driveway
Chatted with Kurt until Nancy got home from work
Cindy went to Dr and found she has a ruptured her eardrum. Dr gave her an antibiotic shot for infection
Nancy made prime rib for dinner, very tasty
Weds Nov 30 2022
Took Chloe for morning walk
Breakfast of eggs, bacon and muffin
Cindy went down to Food Bank and hung out with Nancy prior to Nancy’s work day being done
We all enjoyed visiting and consuming adult beverages plus playing Farkle
Alan called to make sure we would be at Dads tomorrow as because of weather he needed to get headed home in the morning
Kurt and myself enjoyed watching a few BBQ pit boys episodes on YouTube
Nancy made steak for dinner very yummy
Thursday, December 1 2022
moving day had coffee with Nancy and got her off to work then got trailer ready to roll
stopped at Black Canyon City clinic, so Cindy could get her ear looked at again before leaving. Doc says it looked better but needed more antibiotics so wrote her a prescription for it.
On way through Queen Creek stopped at Fry’s and dropped off Cindy’s prescription off for filling
Continued out to Dad’s place and got trailer parked and setup
While dad laid down we ran down to Fry’s and picked up Cindy’s prescription.
Chatted with dad and watched some tube till dad was ready for bed
Back at the trailer we watched episode 4 of Yellowstone and then went to bed
Friday, December 2, 2022
Helped dad make guest bed
Eggs bacon for breakfast
After dishes done Cindy started our laundry
fairly quiet rest of the day
Saturday, December 3, 2022
rainy day so not much of anything to do today
Cindy made her Mississippi roast for dinner
I fixed dad’s light on his door opener, bulb wasn’t screwed in tight
went grocery shopping at Fry’s
watched TV for the evening
Sunday, December 4, 2022
another day of rain which turned into 2 days of nice rain
Alan called and chatted with dad and was happy to hear about the moisture as it will drive the spray into the ground for better weed control
Cindy made her clam chowder for dinner, and we also had some of the leftover roast
Monday, December 5, 2022
Cindy to ENT Dr for her ear. Has a fungal infection in it. Dr prescribed another go round of steroids, an antifungal and ear drops. Went back to Fry’s to pick up prescriptions this afternoon, filled dads truck as he let us borrow it
Added water to trailer fresh tank
Attempting to get Aaron’s website up and going
Finished up the clam chowder from yesterday for supper
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
just a quiet day at the house
Got sunshine today and thankfully everything is starting to dry up a bit.
The rain managed to drive all of the chemical down into the ground for the weed killing and even better. Most of the green is now gone.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
started the morning off with showers.
Went over to Larry’s place and checked out his new paint booth as well as looking at his AC unit. I was able to hook him up with Jacob for doing some troubleshooting on it.
Dad was a bit tired today so we left Larry‘s a little before noon. Stopped at KFC on our way and bought lunch and consumed it when we got back to the house.
While dad was resting, we watched a white Christmas and Cindy did some napping.
Had a late supper of a small sandwich and some chips and then watched a bit of TV before going to bed
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Went with dad to his cardiologist appointment this morning. His cardiologist is a really nice feller.
Back at the house I did some relaxing, as well as enjoying a steak dinner that Dad put together.
TV watching evening
Went to Landen’s soccer match at Tempe High School. The team has a bit of learning they need to do on the basic skills for the game. Ended up losing 4-1.
Poor Landen made the first goal for Tempe 30 seconds into the game, imagine he was a bit embarrassed.
Friday, December 9, 2022
Took Chloe for a walk and grabbed some video and pics
Watched end of Argentina World Cup match which they ended up winning in a shootout
Made burgers for lunch
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Started the day off by going shopping with dad.
Visited till noon after getting back and putting food away
Went to Gabriel’s bball game, kids did decent
Picked up discs for disc golf at Cal Ranch in Casa Grande
Stopped at Larry n Patty’s and visited for a little bit on way back to dads house
Cindy purchased the wireless kit for my gold detector, a pin pointer and carrying case for my detector. Should make for a fun time in Quartzsite this winter.
Watched volleyball till bedtime
Sunday, December 11, 2022, through Saturday, December 17, 2022
enjoyed time with dad
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Cindy, still sick today with her head cold
Deanna came by and gave grandpa a haircut and visited for a little bit.
Cindy got a package for little Miss Eva.
Argentina won the World Cup today by beating France.
Did just over 11,000 steps today
Monday, December 19, 2022
Rode with Dad in to get his car checked for emissions and dropped off his cans at the recycling place.
Having fillets cooked on the grill for lunch today along with baked potatoes
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Enjoyed time with dad
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Enjoyed time with dad
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Made ham and beans for lunch.
Dad's housekeeper Diane was here today cleaning the house.
Chloe and I went for a walk after lunch
Watched a bit of TV this evening with dad.
Friday, December 23, 2022
shower morning
wrapped up shopping for Xmas ever get together
lunch was leftovers from yesterday's ham and beans
Chloe and I went for a walk
read a little bit from my magazines.
Cindy, helping dad with his book
Dad made another batch of his peanut clusters
Cindy did more Carmels and covered some of them in chocolate
Watched some YouTube videos and got caught up on Suite Travels channel. Actually left them a comment on their Xmas video.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Xmas eve day
Cindy and Dad worked a bit on his book
Cindy wrapped up the carmels for everyone
Did a bit of reading today
got smoker and table out of truck and setup for smoking ham tomorrow for Christmas dinner
helped setup food for evening and ate with Larry Patty Gene Deanna and Gabriel
opened gifts, dad got us a snack tray of meats and cheese, Larry n Patty gave us a wind twirler, Deanna got us an outdoor game set. Gabriel seemed to like his boomerang gift that we got him
after company left watched Xmas shows on RFD TV with dad
Sunday, December 25, 2022. Christmas Day
started the ham smoking at around 7:15 am and Cindy got the Mississippi roasts started in the crock pot
Dad and Cindy worked on Dad’s book some more
Sent out Merry Xmas texts to family
Read a bit on my phone
Larry Patty Gene and Gabriel came over, and we had dinner about 4pm. Cleaned up talked a bit and the headed home before dark
Watched a bit of tube then Dad off to bed and Cindy and I went back to the trailer and finished our evening.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Dad and Cindy worked on Dad’s book this morning
Lunch of leftovers
Cindy figured out the formatting challenge on dad’s book while he was laying down.
Chloe and I went for a walk
A bit of evening TV then off to bed
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Ran into Gilbert for Cindy 9am ENT Dr appt. Got clean bill of health
Missy and the kids got to dad’s around 12:30 pm. Ran up and got KFC for dinner.
After dinner chatted, looked at pictures and visited
Missy headed home around 5pm, and we kicked back watched tube and finished out the day
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Gaylene’s 60th birthday
shower this am
Cindy did laundry
lunch was leftovers from yesterday KFC lunch
Dad working on his book
p/u mail for dad to save him from needing to go out in the rain and cold
watched 3 episodes of Yellowstone after coming back to trailer from dad’s house
Thursday, December 29, 2022
daily walk: 5254 steps
ran down to Circle K and p/u chew and checked dad’s mail on the way back
eggs bacon English muffins for breakfast
left over Mississippi roast mashed potatoes and gravy plus bread for lunch with beer
helped Larry with putting blocking behind drywall on the lid that is cracked and popped from house settling. Had the ladder fall out from underneath me and fell to the floor. Appear to have no injuries.
Ate more chocolate than I should after lunch
Cindy made more carmels
dinner of sandwiches made with meats and cheeses from Xmas eve
Sudoku daily puzzle done
ay, December 30, 2022
breakfast of eggs n bacon
Cindy paid bills
Military check went up 8.4% for 2023 which will hopefully offset some of the inflation that Biden and the rest of the idiots in DC have caused
Saturday, December 31, 2022
drove up to Aaron's place leaving dads around 6:30 am
visited with Aaron n Bowen till they left and hung out and visited with Alicia n Brandon till around 4pm
drove to Missy n Ben’s for New Year's Eve
Went to Joe n Mel's and slept
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