April 7th thru April 13th
Dad continued to improve this week, leading us as a group to decide that Cindy and I can continue forward with our plans for the rest of the year. So we will be heading up to see the kids and catch some of the birthdays before heading up to Henries Hitch N Post in Panguitch UT for the summer. We will be working 2 days a week in exchange for our site and all utilities plus laundry. I think we are both looking forward to a new adventure for the summer. Alan spent the week with us and seemed to be able to enjoy himself a lttle bit, but he does seem to have a challenge relaxing.
April 7: Watched the Women’s NCAA basketball finals today. Iowa lost the game with the other team having figured out to shut down Iowa’s hot shot 3 point shooter. Alan was a bit tired evidently as he took a nap today trying to recover from the late night last night from going to the final four. Larry and Patty were in Tucson for Gabriel’s soccer tournament.
April 8: Watched the men’s final with dad. Decent game. Dad seems to be getting stronger.
April 9: Alan worked on staying in his routine now that the final four is behind him. He went over to Larry’s for dinner. I got started on removing the bricks from around dad’s small lawn in preparation of graveling it to match the rest of the yard. I am fighting some kind of a sinus challenge so started taking amoxicillin to combat it.
April 10: We went shopping this morning at Ace plus Fry’s with dad. He was able to walk both stores without running out of breath so he has made a great recovery from pneumonia. Larry, Patty, Gaylene and Alan were here for lunch. We had the opportunity to visit amongst ourselves plus with dad. Seems we are able to all agree that dad is still more than capable of caring for himself. Based on that looks like we will still be doing Panguitch this summer. Plans are to head up to Camp Verde on the 22nd to hang for birthdays and fair before heading over to Chino Valley.
April 11: We went over to the Safeway in anthem so that Dad could check it out. He got himself set up with the pharmacy. It appears at the store will work well for him rather than running into Fry’s. It’s an easier route and does not have near the traffic, that the drive to Fry’s has. We ended up eating leftovers for lunch and snacking for supper. Watched a little bit of the shows that dad enjoys watching before he had it off too bed and we came back to the trailer watched a movie and went to bed ourselves.
April 12: We ran over to Safeway today, and got the rest of the Fixins that were needed for tomorrow’s lunch. This also allowed Dad to look at the store a bit more. He seems to like it enough that he will continue to go to it, the best part being the easy access for him without having to put up with traffic. Karla called and let us know that Alan made it home safely. We watched some music shows with Dad, before he went off to bed. We came back to the house and watched a movie and then we went to bed as well.
April 13: So Cindy made us eggs and sausage for breakfast today. Had a good time text messaging with Miss Elizabeth, and she seems to be having a great time since she got the house sold. We made ham and beans today, and Larry and Patty came over and joined us for lunch. Cindy worked on computers for Larry and Patty, and I worked on the website for Corey. We also took the time to order a new dishwasher for Dad from Home Depot, which should be here on Wednesday sometime. We are watching dad‘s music shows with him this evening, and would imagine that we will watch a little TV when we come back to the house before going to bed.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.