2024-16 Dads Place Spring WK4

April 14th thru April 21st

Even though we went over the 7 day week by a day, this was our last week spent with dad prior to heading out on our travels for the rest of the year. Dad came back well from the bout of Pneumonia. We are all exceptionally excited to see how well he recovered and got his strength back. Our biggest hope is that this will not be the last time that we see him alive. He is getting up in age where one never knows if it will be the last time. As with all of us, we are not guaranteed tomorrow, but still would want to be able to see him again. Cindy and I enjoy all of the time that we get to spend with dad and I for one am very glad that our traveling lifestyle allows us the opportunity to spend time with dad.

April 14: Talked with Corey today regarding his website and what changes he saw that he would like to make. Got those changes made for him so will wait to hear from him on future changes he needs made. I worked on pictures and getting them uploaded to Google Photos and put in albums. Also looked at a couple of different ideas for our website, but have decided to stay with my html. May do the majority of my coding within the editor that is available in my hosting. I did take dad over to Safeway this morning to pickup his prescriptions that were ready.

April 15: Chloe decided to crap on the driveway this morning when I took her out, so I had to wash the driveway off. Dad was a bit slower moving this morning so while waiting for him to get up I took Chloe across the road to run. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself running around. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary today. I did get a few things done on Corey’s website making tweaks that he wanted.

April 16: Dad’s house cleaner Deanne came today. We got the trash out to the curb and ate breakfast then ran over to Patty and Larry’s house while she was here cleaning. Cindy helped Patty get the tv box setup and we visited for a little bit. Stopped at Walmart on the way back to dad’s house and picked up some groceries to begin restocking the trailer for heading out next week. After wrapping up at the Coolidge Walmart, we went over to Circle K and put fuel in the truck. Got back to dad’s house and while Cindy put the groceries away I put together a meatloaf with cheese and yoshidas and smoked it for lunch. I worked on our website while dad was laying down. Then an evening of TV watching Oak Island before heading to bed for the day.

April 17: Dad had an appointment with his pain doctor this morning, so I ran him in to take care of that, and Cindy stayed at the house to take delivery of Dad‘s new dishwasher. Dad got a clean bill of health and a fresh prescription for his pain meds . When we got back from the doctor, Cindy was off doing her shopping, so Dad laid down and rested till Cindy got back and we made lunch. Lunch was leftovers from yesterday’s meatloaf that we had smoked. I continued work on our website of getting all of the articles that I already had up moved over into the WordPress style of website that I am building. Spent the evening watching TV with Dad before heading off to bed.

April 18: Started off this morning by getting out and just walking around the outside of the trailer for a little bit of exercise around 5 AM this morning. At the completion of that walking, I got Chloe out to do her business as well as checking on Cindy who happened to be up for the day. After Chloe got done we went inside and saw dad, and had breakfast of sausage and eggs.

After we got the dishes cleaned up for breakfast, we went ahead and installed Dad‘s new dishwasher. After getting all the trash thrown away, we came back out to the trailer, and I worked for a little bit on articles for the website. Cindy sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine, and Dad laid down to rest for the morning. I also took the time to dump all of the tanks so that they are now empty and ready for another round of getting filled up.

Worked on Corey’s website to get his contact form setup so that it will mail to him when filled out. Also attempted to get it to load faster.

We ran a load of dishes through dad’s new dishwasher and it appears to be working well and most importantly it is quiet. Some tv watching with dad before bed time.

April 19: Walking around: 1025+2750=3775

8456 steps per phone pedometer

dad get trash out plus cleaned up dog poop around the yard. We did burgers on the smoker for lunch. Worked on our website. Went and watched Gabriel’s soccer game in the evening. Got out the stuff for washing truck and trailer. Fueled truck while in Casa Grand after Gabriel’s soccer game.

April 20: We washed the truck this morning, and boy oh boy it was dirty. Took Cindy into the chiropractor and she says the adjustment helped. Al and his wife had a baby shower for their daughter today, they both seem very excited about the new granddaughter. Worked a little bit on our website. Had tacos for lunch today and dad enjoyed them a lot. Typical watching of music shows with dad this evening till bedtime. It appears that Verizon had an issue this afternoon but appears everything is back to working this evening.

Steps for the day: 5005

April 21: Started walking this morning at around 5am just wandering around dad’s yard. We had breakfast around 7am. I then took a shower before beginning to get stuff ready to load for leaving tomorrow. Worked a little bit on our website getting a few more pages ready to upload. Then finished out the morning visiting with dad before having lunch. Watched some “Heavy Rescue” episodes with dad after lunch.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.