June 2nd thru July 6th
We landed at Henries Hitch N Post RV park on June 2nd, not realizing what the time period held in store for us here. We got settled in and were slowly brought up to speed on our duties that we would be expected to fill in exchange for our parking spot and utilities. Bryan and Elizabeth made it in, but not without some mechanical issues which caused them to have to extend their stay here while Bryan sorted out what was going on with the truck. Doug, who is a retired master mechanic was able to help Bryan out with what is going on with his truck. Just about the time that Bryan was getting things sorted out on his truck, Elizabeth developed a kidney stone which resulted in even more challenges for this period of time. Cindy and I ended up taking Elizabeth back to Flagstaff AZ for the kidney stone while Bryan attempted to wrap up the mechanical fixes on the truck. I have no doubt that Bryan would have much preferred to take his mom to the hospital, but had to get the truck in for the appointment for repairs in Cedar City UT.
Elizabeth found out with her insurance that she could only get emergency care outside of Arizona, and a kidney stone was not considered an emergency. Which was why we had to take her all the way back to Flagstaff AZ. Not all was of the challenging type of stuff though, as we enjoyed the Balloon Festival, "Chicken Lights", which is a big rig truck show, and the 4th of July. However, it was toward the latter part of June that we found out that dad was going into Hospice for care of his heart condition. Cindy and I had already decided if something went south for dad's health that we would be there to assist him in any way possible. So with heavy hearts we left on July 6th and headed down towards dad's place, which you can follow that part of our travels in the 4th video and blog post of our travel season after this. It will be "Travel Stop 24". We will be sharing our pictures and videos of the activities that we were able to experience prior to needing to head to dad's before we cover our journey and experiences at dad's place
The day by day journal reflecting how our time here was spent are found below:
June 2: Got up and moving, started loading for moving day. Cindy got Ava up and Brandon and Alicia came over and got her dressed, fed and her stuff moved over to their outfit to load up. Roberto and Susy went home around 3am so we were not able to say goodbye to them when we left. All loaded up we went to William’s and had breakfast with Alicia, Brandon and Ava and said goodbyes and they were headed home. We went down to Maverick and fueled up, emptied tanks dumped garbage and got on the road toward Panguitch. We stopped and topped fuel in Page. We intended to stop west of Page for an overnight but out chosen spots didn’t appeal to us so we finished the drive into Panguitch arriving about 6:45pm and parked. We relaxed for a few watching a movie before heading off to bed.
June 3: We got up this morning and had coffee and a bit of breakfast. After getting that accomplished, we worked on getting the yard set up outside as well as Cindy worked on the inside doing some cleaning as well as set up. We met up with Ed over by the office and found out that we are working on Friday and Saturday with him and Beth. he also was able to get us our radios and such. Linda came by this evening and dropped off our package with our shirts from FOS. Ed also asked me to help them in the morning putting the pot inside of the containers over in the new RV section. Cindy helped Elizabeth get a site for when they show up here on Friday. She also attempted to help Nancy to do the same thing. Cindy also got all the bill paying done today so that is all taken care of for another month. We ran down to the grocery store and grabbed a little bit of groceries as well as a few chunks of meat, one of which I grilled up for supper. Watched a little bit of TV and off to bed.
June 4: Started the morning off with coffee and an oversized breakfast. Ed grabbed 3 of us to move the flower pots in the new section this morning. Cindy and I walked down to the drugstore and Cindy bought some jelly bellies, but mainly it got us some steps in. Got to observe some of the stuff that it appears we are to do when we are working. I think it would be good to create a checklist of the different tasks. Dinner and watched a couple of movies then off to bed.
June 5: Today is the start of the quilting show here in Panguitch. So I imagine that we will go down and check it out. I will get back with what we saw.
So Cindy has been doing laundry this fine day. I have been wandering around seeing what’s going on and about to go out my mind due to a lack of things to do. If this is what the summer is going to be like I am going to have to figure out how to calm down or get a job or I am gonna be a turning into a drunk.
I did do some work on the webpages for our website, and will continue along with that stuff. Unfortunately, my hands won’t allow me to do a whole lot on that.
We went down to the quilting fest and checked out what was going on down there donated some money to the chocolate walk. This turned into a pretty good walk for us of about 6000 steps. Our plan is to go back tomorrow and see the lady that is selling sourdough bread.
June 6: Cindy went ahead and wrapped up all of the laundry today. I got a chance to chat with Doug this morning just visiting with him. He and Andrea seem to be really nice folks. We went down to the quilt walk in bought ourselves some sourdough bread from the lady down there. it is some really really yummy stuff. Ate some of that sourdough bread for lunch and kind of kick back for the afternoon, while watching what was going on around the park here. Grilled up some pork chops and a steak for dinner which turned out really really good. Bryan and Elizabeth got in around 7 o’clock and Ed got them parked. We chatted with them for a bit before leaving them alone so they could get set up. Watched a couple of movies this evening before heading off to bed. While waiting for Bryan and Elizabeth to get here, we chatted with Beth for a few minutes and found out that our starting time for tomorrow anyway is not until 9 AM. Did not realize that this was a bank job. Ed did say that we are going to mow the dog park tomorrow. Which would not be something that gets done every single week. Ed would like the grass to grow up enough to go to seed prior to mowing so that the clippings go down in and reseed the lawn.
June 7: No journal entry for today.
June 8: Today was our second day on, so I got all of my watering done, Cindy took care of cleaning the restrooms and the laundry room. Also on my list of things to do today from Ed was to trim all of the suckers off of the new trees, which I was able to get completed for him. We had a good time visiting with Doug and Andrea as well as Elizabeth and Bryan. Tonight was also the first campfire at the pit though not a lot of people showed up for it I do believe everyone enjoyed themselves.
June 9: Today was our first day off after our two days of work, so we had a slow start to the morning, with coffee in the morning.
Ron and Gina stop by after church today, so we had the opportunity to have a fun visit with them. They both seem to be doing really well with the exception of having a noodle brain that is their district manager for the campground. Hopefully, the meeting that they’re supposed to have tomorrow will have a good outcome and the rest of their summer will be a good one.
Doug and Bryan worked on Bryan‘s truck attempt to get all the electronics working properly. Only time will tell if they are successful with that endeavor.
June 10: Rick stopped by and said hello. Our first chance to see him since we got here. He shared with us that Ricky and Denise are up for the week. I guess they got their house up here sold finally so they will be able to get started on their new house build going down in Phoenix.
I took a look at the shower doors in unit 4 & it appears to me that there is a slight bend in the track that is causing the doors to bind when trying to open them.
Larry called and brought me up to speed on how dad is doing which it sounds like he is getting tired of the fight and starting to give up. We also talked this evening and he said that dad seemed a bit more positive after the day spent with him. Also guess he talked with Laurie and she is considering coming out to visit dad at the end of June.
We had breakfast with Bryan and Elizabeth this morning, and then later in the morning we took a drive up to KingsCreek campground, as well as stopped at Pine shadows restaurant and had ourselves some lunch.
Bryan and Doug worked on Bryan‘s truck trying to figure out what is causing it to overheat, Cindy went over and visited with Andrea about whatever it was. She visited with her until late into the evening. I spent some time watching the rest of Band of Brothers, which was a really good show.
We picked up three dozen fresh eggs from Ed that he is getting from a local lady for $4 per dozen so we will have some good eggs to eat for next few days.
Ron and Gina called after we had gotten back from our trip today, and shared what a crazy mixed up world they are living in right now with the district manager that they have to put up with. Hopefully they will be able to get things to level out so that the rest of their summer is quiet and peaceful, and they can just enjoy it.
June 11: Called dad this morning after Larry’s phone call yesterday just to say hello and see how he is doing. He sounded very chipper this morning and said that he’s feeling much better today and looking forward to seeing Laurie in July.
Chatted with Ed and Doug this morning regarding the water tank for the fire pit area in the new section of the campground. Sounds like Ed might go ahead and put the 50 gallon water drum on the current water trailer with a pump in the battery and hoses, which would make it much simpler not only to tend the fire, but also simpler to water all the plants.
June 12: Cindy, Elizabeth and I ran over to Cedar City grocery shopping, stopping at Cedar Breaks so Elizabeth could see it.
Cindy got her hair cut while we were in Cedar City and Elizabeth and I went to the Chevy dealer and picked up parts for Bryan. Also had lunch at Lapitas plus went shopping at Walmart.
June 13: Today is Thursday and dad had a rough day and Larry and Patty got things setup for Hospice to take over dads health care
Bryan and I ran over to Cedar City and picked up more parts for his truck, got his meds from Walmart and lunch at Lapitas
Had a wing potluck here at the park
Went over to little Rickey’s for a steak cookout and visiting
June 14: Today is Friday so it’s our first work day of our 2 days
Beth trained us on the computer and the park during the morning
Cindy did the cleaning after lunch while I mowed the dog park and did the trimming in the dog park and all of the grass areas in the lower park
We got shirts, mugs and hats from the park today
Called Larry this evening and got filled In on todays happenings with dad which included the nurse coming out, the social worker coming out as well as dad breathing a bit better with the oxygen machine
Dad called me this morning to make sure that we know that he wants to pay for putting a 2nd ac on the trailer
June 15: No journal entry today
June 16: 1. Watched some TV and just hung out here at the park
2. Went across the street to Dollar store and grabbed a few food items
June 17: Today we wish mom a Heavenly Happy Birthday
Today is Monday and we hung around the park
June 18: We ran up to Bryce Canyon to the visitor center and watched the park movie while we were there
Elizabeth wasn’t feeling well so we took her to the hospital in Panguitch where they determined that she has a kidney stone.
June 19: Stayed here at the park and hung out with Bryan and Elizabeth. She is still dealing with the kidney stone.
June 20:
1. Started the day off by going over to the hospital where Bryan and Elizabeth were. Elizabeth still fighting her kidney stone
2. Andrea headed out today headed for Flagstaff and their kids house to babysit their granddaughter
3. Had a last beer with Doug, he is headed out tomorrow
4. Working on my intermittent fasting and I seem to feel better when doing intermittent fasting
June 21: 1. Steps from Monday to today, which is Friday, 12,555. I will record the steps taken today while working at the end of the day.
2. 7595 steps for today
3. Did the watering at the park, helped Ed move the tables for the food truck, tightened up all the tables, picked up trash by dumpsters, called Larry during lunch, helped Ed with miscellaneous tasks, dinner from food truck, watched TV to end the day
4. Tried calling on the ac and no return call
5. Doug took off this evening, will miss him and Andrea but sounds like they will have an adventurous summer with their grandson
June 22: 1. Daily steps: 9292
2. Did the watering plus wet down the barrels down below, plus changed the 50gal barrel on the trailer to horizontal and gravity flow>
3. Did the grass trimming down in the lower section. We didn’t mow the dog park.
4. Elizabeth was hurting bad today with her kidney stone, after work we loaded up and headed for the Page hospital. Arrived in Page AZ at the Emergency room and they didn’t have a urologist on staff. They gave Elizabeth a shot for pain and sent us on to Flagstaff. Arrived in Flagstaff around 11pm and they were able to take care of Elizabeth. They admitted her and scheduled a surgery room to take care of the stone tomorrow. Cindy got us a motel room which we got to around 2am and we grabbed a bit of sleep.
5. The reason we ended up in Flagstaff was because Elizabeths insurance would not cover anything non emergency outside of Arizona. We discovered from Elizabeths Dr that with the new patient law that was passed earlier this year they can’t deny non emergency care out of state.
June 23: 1. Daily steps 4244
2. We got up this morning and I had to take a shower. However we had not packed any clothes so after breakfast we went to Walmart and bought some clothes. When we got back to the hotel I grabbed a shower. Once that was completed we checked out and headed to the hospital.
3. We visited with Elizabeth until they were able to take Elizabeth in for the stone removal procedure. During the procedure we went and got some food. Elizabeth was just coming out of recovery by the time we got back. Great service by the surgeon and the nurses, as they called us while we were out keeping us in the loop about where and what was going on with Elizabeth.
4. We stayed with Elizabeth until she was leveled up on her oxygen and such then came to the air b&b that Cindy rented for tonight. This was a much better place to stay than the hotel was last night. Watched some tv then off to bed.
June 24: 1. I went for a walk around the neighborhood where the house is located getting some pictures of the flowers along my route. Trying to keep quiet so I don’t disturb Cindy. Caught up this log to current and enjoyed the early morning.
2. We will try to be back to the hospital by around 9am in hopes Elizabeth will be released to go home.
3. Steps: 2217
4. Elizabeth was finally released from the hospital at around 11 AM. We went over to Circle K and fueled up for the trip home. On the downhill stretch into Page we got stuck behind a long line of RVs that were doing 25 miles an hour. Nothing like the joys of people that won’t drive down the road at the speed limit or get out of the way.
5. Stopped at the visitor center at the Dam and got a few photos and the girls looked for tokens.
6. Just outside of Page we got caught in the road construction that was going on. Once they let us start moving again, we had probably close to 80 vehicles out in front of us, which turned out to make the drive all the way to Kanab UT a royal pain in the patootie. We had folks out in the front that were unable to drive a steady speed so we were anywhere down to 25 up to 75 the whole way across that stretch of road. I don’t think I’ve ever had to apply so many times to drive so few miles. We got back and dropped Elizabeth off at her house, with Bryan being excited to see his mother. Came back to our place put her feet up and called it a day.
June 25: 1. Poor Elizabeth woke up and was not feeling a good again today and ended up having to go back down to the emergency room here in Panguitch. Turns out that she was just impacted with her poopers. They were able to get her freed up and she got home and was able to finally get herself some rest.
2. I didn’t do much today except sit on my butt as I was totally and thoroughly worn out from yesterday’s drive. If I never have to drive with a bunch of idiots like that again it will be too soon.
3. Our evening was spent watching some TV before heading off to bed.
June 26: 1. Steps: 2617
2. Today dawned, bright and sunny, but clouded up later in the afternoon and we actually got a pretty good rainstorm.
3. We had a company meeting this evening to go over tomorrow’s activities for getting everyone parked here for the balloon festival. We also had a potluck with lots of good food.
4. I am attempting to get myself into the habit of fasting for 16 hours and only having an eight hour eating window, during which time I try to stay with the keto eating concept. I’m also going to do my very best to stay grain free to keep all gluten out of my system.
5. Watched some TV this evening before heading off to bed.
June 27: 1. Today started off, kind of cloudy, but here at 8:45 AM the sun is out and shining brightly. Looks like it will be a good day for parking all the rigs that are coming in today.
2. All the rigs were easily parked without any issues
3. Beth made supper for all of us which was Israel type cuisine and it was very tasty
4. The band that Ed hired were very good and we had a nice crowd plus everybody seemed to enjoy it
June 28: 1. 12,725 steps yesterday and today
2. We finished parking the late arrivals today and the park is almost full
3. I watered the front planter and Ed took care of the pots out back plus the front pots and planter
4. We caught our breath this evening and watched some tube before heading off to bed
5. This was the first day of the balloon festival so we watched them go over the park this morning without having to go to the launch site.
June 29: 1. Steps: 8205
2. Today was a laid back day for work as we had everyone parked so we did the watering, did the bathroom cleaning and laundry cleaning
3. Ended up having some electrical issues in the new part of the park with tripping breakers. Turned out that the installing electrician had crossed phases on the main breaker for sites 67, 68, 69. So corrected that issue plus moved the location of the 30amp breakers to split the load onto 2 phases.
4. 2nd day of the balloon festival and once again watched them go over the park.
5. The glow was out on the main street with bands playing at 3 different locations along main street. Caroline was here and landed her balloon this morning across the street at the Family Dollar store and everyone seemed to enjoy watching her breakdown the balloon. We managed to catch her at the glow and helped her get the balloon down when the wind kicked up.
June 30: 1. Steps: 1733
2. Today was the last day of the balloon festival and due to the wind they were not able to fly.
3. Folks got packed up and headed home so by evening the park was pretty empty.
4. I was bushed from the last couple of days so didn’t do much today. We did go down to the clubhouse and Bryan and Cindy shot a few games of pool.
July 1: 1. A Prayer to Share-Dear Lord, Bless this work you put before us. Let us face today’s challenges by Your will, in Your way. Let all we do be in Your name. Amen
2. I started to eat a doughnut this morning and with my first bite the right side bridge of my teeth broke free. So we got to have the fun of going to Cedar City UT and having it glued back into place. Elizabeth and Bryan rode along with us and once done with the dentist we had supper at Lupitas and also did some shopping at the grocery store before heading home.
3. Upon getting back to the trailer we watched the US soccer team lose to Uraway. Linda Miller also stopped by to drop off our mail and visit for a little bit. She is having a bit of a challenge with water retention so hopefully the Laysick will help her to get rid of it.
4. I got my to do list all reset up in Chaos Control this evening plus caught up my journal.
July 2: 1. I helped Ed with the labeling of breakers for spaces 66, 67, 68, and 69. They are all properly marked now.
2. My other bridge on the left side felt loose so we called the dentist and went back to Cedar City UT to get it checked. The dentist pulled and pushed on it and said that it was still attached but that I should be careful of it.
3. Shopped at Smith’s for ingredients to make the hash brown casserole on the 4th. Had lunch at Dairy Queen and drove home.
4. Tony called this morning and looks like he is going to drive the ac unit over to us and film the installation plus electric draw and noise level. That should be fun to see him and Peggy plus get a new technology ac on the trailer.
5. Going up to Bryce Canyon NP this evening for sunset pictures which we hope will be good color.
6. Stopped at the last pullout which is Rainbow Point. Got some pics there plus sunset then drove down to Piera point and got some pics before it got dark. Also got some pics of buck deer as well as pics of a doe with twin fawns. Came back to the house and went to bed.
July 3: 1. Steps since last entered: 15103
2. Had dinner with Rick and Linda
3. Started packing stuff up to load truck for moving back down to dads on Saturday
July 4: 1. Steps: 5478
2. We strolled down to Main Street with Elizabeth and Bryan and watch the Kiddie Parade. It was quite cute to watch all the kids on their bicycles and scooters and battery powered riding toys, but pretty much just mass chaos.
3. The Fourth of July barbecue for the park was a potluck style, which was all good food. The park provided the meat which was hamburgers and hotdogs, and everyone else brought side, dishes and desserts.
4. For the fireworks display, we walked down to Bryan‘s rig and sat out in our chairs and enjoyed the display, which was all launched from the rodeo grounds just north of the park. You couldn’t ask for a better spot to view the fireworks from.
July 5: 1. Steps: 10206
2. Today was Cindy and I‘s workday, so she worked on Office paperwork, and I started off the day cleaning the men’s bathroom as well as a sweeping and emptying of trash cans inside of the laundry room. Also did the plant watering with the watering tractor. Ed and myself put in concrete barriers as well as rock in an attempt to get folks to quit driving through the roadway, which is by the storage units.
3. This evening was the truck parade, which we walked down to the Ace Hardware and met Rick and Linda there. We enjoyed watching the parade and walking around and checking out the rigs and getting pictures.
July 6: We pulled out early this morning from the Panguitch Henry’s Hitch N Post and headed for Chino Valley AZ. We stopped for fuel in Page Arizona before continuing onto Chino Valley. We arrived at Aaron‘s place at around 2 PM. Set up the trailer, got the AC running and got our stuff out of the connex that we need to take down to Dad’s. Aaron was down at Alicia‘s for her gender reveal party for the new baby so we did not get to see them today.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.