2024-21 Panguitch Big Rig Truck Show "Chicken Lights"

July 5th 2024

So the last of the 4 big mid-summer events here in "Panguitch UT." is the "Chicken Lights" event. The 3 other big events at the middle of the summer include the "Quilting Festival", "The Ballon Festival" and of course "The 4th of July". One other big July festival that the town of Panguitch UT. celebrates is "Founders Day". "Founders Day" is tied in with the LDS church and its landing within Utah.

The "Chicken Lights" event is rather unique. Bring on the semi trucks. The event starts off with a parade down Main Street in the evening. To accomplish this the city gets a permit to close Hwy 89 for the evening. The trucks travel the route in parade fashion with lights on and horns blaring. A noisy but fun time. After all trucks have completed the parade route, the drivers park their trucks along the parade route. This gives all people attending the event the chance to go out and look the trucks over and visit with the drivers, most of which actually own the rigs. With all of the rigs having the lights of the rigs on it makes for a great evening. There are also a few food vendors for food items.

On Saturday just as car shows the trucks are spread out at the local fairgrounds, where judging for different classes take place. Once again this open to all, giving a person another chance to check the rigs out and chat with the owners/drivers. Unfortunatly we had to leav Saturday morning for Arizona so we did not get an opportunity to check out this portion of the weekend festivities.

July 5th: This evening was the truck parade, which we walked down to the Ace Hardware and met Rick and Linda there. We enjoyed watching the parade and walking around and checking out the rigs and getting pictures.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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