2024: 23-4th Of July

July 4th Celebration

Another amazing event put on by the Town of Panguitch UT. For such a small town they do a wonderful job of entertaining. From a Kiddie Parade to a fantastic fireworks display they truly put on a terrific event to celebrate the birthday of our great country. The kids were alot of fun to watch and even more entertaining were the parents that attempted to keep the chaos to a minimum. It did appear though that the kids all had a great time. The fireworks display that the town put on was even more spectacular than what Disneyland puts on, if you have ever been to that.

July 4th: We strolled down to Main Street with Elizabeth and Bryan and watch the Kiddie Parade. It was quite cute to watch all the kids on their bicycles and scooters and battery powered riding toys, but pretty much just mass chaos.

The Fourth of July barbecue for the park was a potluck style, which was all good food. The park provided the meat which was hamburgers and hotdogs, and everyone else brought side, dishes and desserts.

For the fireworks display, we walked down to Brian‘s rig and sat out in our chairs and enjoyed the display, which was all launched from the rodeo grounds just north of the park. You couldn’t ask for a better spot to view the fireworks from.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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