2024: 25-New AC Installation

New AC Unit Way Cool!

July 10th 2. Larry and I were able to get the framework for the sunshade that we have on the west side of the trailer built. Overall, it seems to be helping with keeping that wall much cooler so that the refrigerator actually stands half of the chance. It does not seem to affect, what the inside temperature of the trailer becomes. Today we had a high of around 115 and the inside of the trailer was around 96. Hopefully if we can get things worked out with Tony, we can get the other air conditioner and that will help with this issue.

July 13th: 4. Tony came through this morning with the shipping information for the ac unit that he is giving to us. We got him paid for the shipping and the ac unit should be here on Tuesday. If it makes it hopefully we can install it on Wednesday. Will need to shoot an unboxing video plus installation video. Will also need to shoot video footage that shows the decibel levels, power usage and cooling efficiency in comparison to our existing unit.

July 17th: 2. AC was delivered today in the early afternoon and I took a bit of time to unbox it and record video of it. Also I went through the installation book that came with the unit to familiarize myself with how to install it.

July 18th: Dad started today with his shower and the aid that helps him with that. Breakfast followed. Dad laid down to rest and Larry and I worked on the living room ceiling getting it ready to paint. Lunch of leftover lasagna and talking with dad till he laid down for afternoon rest. After he got up Larry and Patty headed home. I did some reading and Cindy worked on her ancestry account. Watched final night of the RNC Convention. Early start to the day as we are installing the ac unit on the trailer. We were wore out after lunch and the ac install so all of us stayed in the house under the ac and read, visited and watched tube plus helped dad as needed. We finished out the day watching the RNC Convention coverage before calling it a day and heading off to bed.


1. For the installation I had Cindy and Patty record video for Tony while Larry and I did the installation.

2. Our first step was to remove the existing vent and cover plus remove all of the caulking that was on the roof to seal the vent.

3. Next step was to get the ac on the roof which we accomplished by Larry bringing it up the ladder onto the dining room slide and I helped him from the roof. Then we carried it over to the opening and made sure to set it over the opening so that the gasket on the bottom of the ac unit was fully over the roof opening.

4. Next we had to reroute the electrical connection to get the wire to come in by the built in jbox.

5. Next step was to install the underside distribution cover and torque the four bolts that clamp the unit to the roof to 40” pounds of tightness. Followed by hooking up the wiring then buttoning up the cover

6. Turned the power on and verified all things work. Now begins the process of testing and recording my observations for Tony to write up a review.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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