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So Ben and Missy and the kids came down again this year as they have the last three years to visit us during the kids Spring Break from school. It's always fun to have them come down as we get to enjoy the kids plus typically help Landen celebrate his birthday, which falls on Cindy and I anniversary. We typically have Ruebens for a celebratory meal. Also we try to enjoy some of the NCAA basketball tournament.
March 10: We thoroughly enjoyed our time with the border hook ups and all of the other folks that came out for their shindig. We packed up this morning and got ourselves ready to roll by around 9:30 AM. Stop by and said goodbye to Jacqueline and Dave before we headed out on our way back to Quartzsite. Thought that we would perhaps set up in the Palm Canyon area, but we were unable to find a spot that we felt was large enough as well as far enough away from the road to keep from getting dusted all day long. This caused us to go ahead and come back into Roadrunner, and we set up here and sent a pin to the kids so they know how to get here. We spent the afternoon and evening watching a little bit of soccer and a couple of movies and just kind of relaxing and not doing a whole lot. The weather was nice with temperatures hitting up around 78 and for a change the wind actually was quite light.
March 11: After we got up and moving, had a little bit of breakfast, got dressed and ready to go to town and do a few errands. Getting the truck ready so I could haul some water back. I went ahead and set up our chairs as well as the two lights that we normally put out, plus went ahead and put the flagpole up. We ran into town and filled up with fuel propane, got water, ice, and stop by the VFW and grab some tickets for tomorrow’s draw. We also stopped by Rick and Danielle’s and picked up our package that was in, which actually had the new drone that I ordered in it.
When we got back to the trailer and went ahead and drained out the freshwater tank, then went ahead and added in the new water that we brought back out with us. Cindy went ahead and loaded the cooler with the ice that we purchased plus beer so that it would be cold by the time the kids get here.
March 12:Ben made pancakes and bacon for everyone for breakfast. We played a game of pigs that Riley had. Kids rode bikes and played with their RC cars throughout the day. Ben, Missy, Cindy and I went into the VFW for the Queen of Hearts draw. Met Rick, Dawnielle and Bryan there and Dawnielle got one of her ticket numbers drawn but the card she chose was the 7 of hearts. Two other people were also drawn and neither of them pulled the Queen of Hearts so down to 9 cards left in the deck and the split today was sitting at $4500. Came back to the rigs and had chicken for dinner. Had an evening fire then everyone headed off to bed.
March 13: Cindy made her biscuit and egg mixture for everyone for breakfast. Kids played the pig game again until the wind got too strong. Ben beat up Landen in cornhole as well as Tyce and Chase. I spent the time afterwards catching up my journal. Breezy today but temp is forecast at 77 with forecast wind gusts of up to 25mph this evening.
March 14: Windy today and cool making it more of an indoor day. We ended up watching basketball, the PAC12 tournament actually. Ben and Landen played a few games of cornhole, which Ben dominated. Enjoyed a late evening chat with Missy by the first after everyone else went to bed. Missy spent most of the day working so she didn’t get to play around as much as the rest of did. She did find time to help Cindy make cabbage buns which turned out really good. They also made crunch wraps for dinner which were really good. Gorgeous sunset this evening which I was able to get a few shots of.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.