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March 15: Kids had to head home this morning darn it all. We got a decent amount of rain overnight and it was still raining when we got up. We went over to the kids trailer and had breakfast burritos and it stopped raining but the time we got done eating. They started packing up and hiking up and with so many helping hands that didn’t take very long. Ben changed out his tire on the trailer with the new one he bought and then they were on their way. We both took showers after the kids headed out. I setup the videos that I need to create in CapCut then we ran down and got water and dumped trash. Came back to the house put the water in the trailer and just got that done before it started raining again. Kurt and Nancy postponed coming down till tomorrow. We watched some basketball and I caught up this journal.
March 16: Today dawned bright and sunny without any wind. Cindy ran into town and did the laundry. While she was gone, I worked on putting together and finishing up the video for our time spent at painted rock petroglyphs. I did complete the video and got it uploaded to YouTube but still need to upload it to Rumble. Kurt and Nancy made it in just before 2 PM and Cindy and Nancy went in to hang out with Elizabeth while looking at property. While they were gone, I got the Pork on the grill so that we could smoke it for supper. However, it decided to rain like crazy making the cook quite a challenge. After the girls got back, we had dinner. Prior to dinner Kurt and I ran down and got water for their trailer and came back and Kurt got it put into the trailer. We watched a few basketball games while visiting with Nancy.
March 17: Today dawned with clear skies and no wind, a welcome break after the wind and rain of the last couple of days. Today is our anniversary, Landen’s birthday and St Patrick’s day. Sent Landen birthday wishes this morning. Smoking the corned beef for todays meal which Elizabeth and Bryan are coming out for plus Rick and Dawnielle. Elizabeth brought out salmon as well. We did car bombs plus other alcohol for drinks. Food came out great and the company was wonderful.
March 18: Well today dawned bright and sunny and turned out to be a nice warm day in the mid 70s without any high winds. After breakfast, we chatted with Kurt and Nancy for a few minutes before heading in for our golf tournament meeting at the VFW. We got all lined out there that we have to go in on Friday of this week at 8 AM for set up. And we have to be at the golf course at 7 AM on Saturday for the actual golf tournament. Sounds like Cindy and I will be doing the registration portion.
After we left the VFW we swung by and saw Elizabeth and Bryan, Elizabeth was having a meltdown over all the things she needed to do so we were able to talk her down off the ledge. We came back and enjoyed the rest of the day here at the trailer. Also, Bryan started his solar yesterday and ran into some kind of a challenge with some of his equipment, so he wants me to come by tomorrow to help him. We barbecued steak for supper, which turned out quite good. Watched a bit of TV in the evening and off to bed.
March 19: We just hung around camp today for the morning. This afternoon we went into the queen of hearts draw at VFW . Bought tickets or at least more of them as well as some food and some drinks waiting for the drawing to kick off. They started the draw at 2 PM with Cindy being the first one to pull a ticket. The person whose ticket she pulled did not choose the proper card and did not win. However, the person who got pulled did choose the right card and ended up winning $5400. A lot of excitement and good will towards the gentleman that won. After the queen of hearts draw we went over to Rick and Dawnielle’s place for hotdogs and pasta salad plus a bit of visiting. Overall a good day.
March 20: Our solar array stopped putting out power yesterday, so I had to get up on the roof this morning and troubleshoot the system in an attempt to figure out where the failure was at. In the meantime, I had hooked up the generator so that we could charge the batteries up from 34% which required about 3 1/2 hours, which was great to show that our set up will work fine for charging when the solar doesn’t put out. Turned out that the issue was another bad connector on top of the roof, so I switched over to a different type of connector and taped it for moisture resistance, as well as replacing the other connections on top of the roof because I am tired of the crap not working. Whoever came up with these connectors are to be fucking shot, as they are a poorly designed item that should never even be on the market for exterior use. We spent the afternoon chatting playing latter drinking and enjoying each other‘s company. During the morning Cindy and Nancy ran into Quartzsite and did some shopping at the local dispensaries as well as going to the VFW for the meat draw. Watched some basketball in the evening, which was the play in games for the big tournament.
March 21: Well, today is the start of the NCAA men’s final four tournament. So I spent most of my day in front of the TV watching basketball games. By the end of the day we’ve had a couple of good upsets about four of them I guess. Overall, it was a good first day to the basketball tournament. However, it did keep me from getting outside and doing any walking or anything. So I will have to work on that tomorrow to make sure I get in some exercise.
March 22: Got woke up with a call from Larry at 5 AM this morning, that Dad was on his way to the hospital via ambulance due to a perceived heart attack. We are currently in a holding pattern waiting to see what we need to do.
Well, after Dad got to the hospital and they ran test they determined that he actually had severe pneumonia in his left lung. So they have determined to give him a round of antibiotics and see how his infection reacts to those antibiotics. Because of that we are leaving on Sunday morning to head over to Dad‘s place so that we can be there to take care of him when he gets home either, Monday or Tuesday. Enjoyed all of the basketball today with there being quite a few upset that really blew up my bracket picks. We went in town to play bingo however bingo is done for the year so ended up over at Outback Pizza for a couple of drinks and then home finished watching the tournament and off to bed.
March 23: Today being our last day here in Quartzsite, in between basketball games I loaded the truck in preparation for leaving tomorrow. Cindy is fighting a head cold, making the day tough for her. Larry called to let us know that dad will be checked out of the hospital tomorrow. Cindy and I went into town this afternoon to fuel the truck and grab some dinner. Back at the house we watched the last of the days basketball games then off to bed.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.