March 24 thru March 30 2024
March 24: Pulled out and headed for dad’s around 8:30am. Fairly windy morning making the drive interesting as we had a head wind down to Yuma knocking our fuel economy down into the low 6mpg range. Driving East on I8 we got a tailwind pushing us which gave us a 10 to 11mpg fuel economy. Too bad we don’t get a tailwind like that more often.
We arrived at Dad’s house around 3pm and Larry had gotten dad from the hospital and back home by the time we arrived. Said hello to dad then got setup and went inside to chat. Dad is pretty tired so we tried not to over do it with his time. Pneumonia is a tough thing to kick so imagine it will be a bit before he is back on his feet. Cindy is fighting some type of sinus challenge so she kept her distance from dad just in case. Larry got us lined out on what the timing of medicines are then he and Patty headed home. Hung out with dad till he went to bed then came out to the trailer and did the same.
March 25: Bit of a breezy day today. Got up and moving around and got into check on Dad around 7 AM overall he seems to be doing pretty good. Helped him to do his breathing treatment which appears to be breaking things up for him. Cindy made breakfast and then dad went back to bed to rest. I worked on videos throughout the day and got 2 of them uploaded to YouTube but still need to upload them to Rumble.
March 26: Started today off by getting into the house around 7 AM and checking on dad. He had evidently already done his breathing treatment for the morning and was actually very very shaky. The shakiness seems to be part of the breathing treatments because of the medicine that’s in it, so he will need to fight his way through it. Cindy is still battling her sinuses this morning, and I am hoping that things start to turn for the better for her. We were able to make breakfast for Dad of eggs and sausage and toast, and upon completion of eating dad needed to go lay down and rest. So watching what’s going on it’s obviously going to take a bit of time not just to get over the pneumonia, but also to get his strength back.
Larry came over to get the disk off of the tractor, so we went out to start it and the battery was dead. Came back into the house and grabbed the battery charger and a cord and got it hooked up and started charging the battery when it decided that it was time to rain. So hoping the rain wouldn’t last too long we went ahead and crushed some cans. The rain continued on so we went inside and visited with Dad and Cindy. During the rain this morning it decided to drop some hail. We were finally able to go out and get the tractor started right around noon, and moved it up to the front so that we could take the disc off and put it on Larry‘s trailer. While we had it upfront we went ahead and added air to the tires before putting it back in the backyard and its parking spot. Went inside and had some pizza for lunch, and Larry took off for home after lunch was finished. Dad went and laid down, Cindy went to the trailer and worked on the medals for her dad, and I walked up andchecked the mail for dad. Also caught up with the Journal for the day . Will be working on more video for upload.
March 27: We made beef stew today and it turned out really good. Dad is continuing to improve but still a ways to go to get his strength back.
March 28: Deann was sick today so no house cleaning. So grabbed the sheets off the guest bed and got them washed. Cindy also did a load of our laundry. Having a problem with getting one of dad’s prescription filled by Walgreens so having Brent help us get it transferred over to Safeway. Will see how that goes.
All Brent’s hard work paid off and I was able to pickup dad’s prescription about 7:30pm.
March 29: dad in to see his main doctor today. Dr Kahlil is a wonderful doctor and has a great sense of humor. He said dad has improved enough that he can quit the antibiotics and the breathing treatments. He did ask that we get some probiotics for dad to help with his bowels. So while dad was laying down after lunch Cindy and I ran down to Fry’s and took care of that. Larry stopped by and we watched the U of A game which they lost and got knocked out of the tournament in the sweet 16. Dinner some TV and off to bed. Today is my 2nd day of intermittent fasting for 16 hours a day so will if it starts to help with my cough.
March 30: Setup the smoker for tomorrow. Got brisket ready for tomorrow by applying rubs.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.