2024_14-Dads Place Spring WK2

March 31st thru April 6th

Our 2nd week here at Dad's place found dad to be making a small amount of progress getting over the bout of pneumonia that he has contracted. We enjoyed a good Easter dinner of smoked brisket. This was the second one that I have cooked on my little egg style smoker, and it turned out quite good. For dad some of the challenges that he is facing include his vision giving him problems for driving as well as being able to read. Both of these activities are quite important to him. Hopefully as things get better with the pneumonia he will gain back the ability to do these activities. Alan scored himself 2 tickets to the "Final Four" games that are being played at the Glendale stadium, which is the major reason for his coming down. He and Larry will be going to the games.

March 31: Today was Easter, which meant it was time to smoke the brisket. Got up around 5 AM and attempted to get the smoker going, but evidently the pallets were somewhat wet and would not heat like they should. Finally got the smoker up to temperature around 7:30 AM And from there till the meet was done all went well. Larry, Patty, Gene, and Gabriel came over for lunch. Linda also came over for lunch. Sammy told and their son also made it for lunch. It was a good day with good food, however, Dad is still struggling with his dizziness.

April 1: With today being the first day of the month, Cindy paid the bills. Dad also paid bills, which I took up and put in the mailbox for him. Also, I dropped off his check to Al for the payment on his water. Watched a bit of the TV this evening and off to bed. Alan called this evening and spoke with him for a little bit regarding dad’s health.

April 2: We got up and moving, had breakfast around 8 o’clock. Then I helped Dad to get the trash out for the week while Cindy worked on our spreadsheet for our bills. Deanne showed up around 9:15 AM and did the house cleaning during the time that Deanne was here , I worked on website stuff. Spent the afternoon working on website stuff and videos. Took the mail up to the mailbox for Dad to mail out as well as grabbing that which came in. We watched a bit of TV this evening before heading off to bed.

April 3: Larry came over today and we packed the bearings on the trailer. We made tacos for lunch. Dad is still low on stamina needing to rest 3 or 4 times a day. Alan arrived this evening so got a chance to visit with him.

April 4: Just hanging out with dad as he continues to get over his bout with pneumonia.

April 5: Just hanging out with dad as he continues to get over his bout with pneumonia.

April 6: Just hanging out with dad as he continues to get over his bout with pneumonia.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.