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2024 5-Escapees Bash Lake Havasu AZ

January 11: Woke up to high winds, clouds and rain. Not a great morning or day between me and Cindy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. We started rolling up and getting ready to leave around noon and went and dumped tanks and topped water tank plus dropped off trash. Stopped at RV Pit Stop and filled propane. Drive up to Lake Havasu was quite challenging in the high winds. Really neat drive between Parker and Havasu. Got here about 2:30pm and setup. We are sitting North to South so not sure how well our solar will work for us. Tomorrow will tell the tale. Wind finally abated about dark so perhaps tomorrow will not be too bad. Early arrivals come in tomorrow afternoon so will get broke in on the parking crew before the big arrival day on Saturday.

January 12: Today was early arrival day for those folks that paid for it, as well as the rest of the volunteers so we started parking people at 2 PM and continued through 5 PM. Had quite a few rigs come in, which gave us the opportunity to get ourselves working like a team and getting people to their spots.

January 13: Today was normal arrival day with the parking gate opening at 9 AM. However, the solar section was not open for anyone to come in until 11:30 AM. We had all the 18 rigs show up for the solar section and we managed to get them all parked without any major problems. at 4 PM we had the opening ceremonies followed by everybody getting together and eating down at the food trucks and drinking alcoholic beverages. This allows us all to get a chance to meet one another as well as get some food in our bellies. There was live music at the gazebo which we stayed and listen to and finally ran into John and Chanel. Had a good time visiting with them and back to the trailer for bedtime.

January 14: Block parties this evening which the solar area was lame so we came back to trailer early. Also, today we went up to the burrito breakfast that was put on and had our free burrito. We checked out the marketplace as well, and this is where we found our new TV streaming device. The device allows us to watch TV without having to have any subscriptions. Seems to be a really cool device.

January 15: So, today is lot crawl day. we did a few seminars during the day followed up with the lot crawl in the afternoon and evening. Had a very good day and a lot crawl went well. And I can tell you this voiceover has to be the most annoying piece of shit ever. Piece of crap doesn’t even know how to spell Krall (should be crawl) see what I mean. Seminars were good, however, like all seminars that we have been to, they have reached the point of boredom for me, as there doesn’t appear to be any new info.

January 16: The folks giving the solar talks try to make themselves look good by attempting to show the ridiculous oversized systems that they have built for themselves. This fellows claim to fame to be a solar designer is that he has built his own system. One gets what one pays for I guess. The breath works this morning was a bit on the strange side with the new age approach but overall I believe I learned how to relax using breathing.

January 17: Seminars attended: 1. Podcasting as a digital nomad. 2. Hump Day Weenie Fest. 3. Mack n cheese madness competition for dinner. 4. Wacky Chad on his pogo stick for first entertainment. 5. Comedy hypnotist as the 2nd session of entertainment.

January 18: Did breath work today and found it to be relaxing but a bit on the bizarre side based on the new age principles. Did 3 seminars on the topics of 1. RV Roof, 2. RV Cooking, 3. RV Gadgets. These were followed by Happy Hour and the Xscapers Olympics which were fun games. Then our 1st taste of Rave music which I was not really fond of. However the DJ truck was quite cool.

January 19: BLM talk from local office here in Lake Havasu regarding regulations and’s challenges they are having with our public lands because of peoples lack of caring. Escapees Benefits talk sharing what’s available to us as members. Happy Hour with food trucks and Status Crowes for entertainment.

January 20: Started day off with the breakfast brunch potluck. During potluck and after the Border Hookups for entertainment. Dave and Jacqueline do an amazing job. Hollie shared the upcoming convergences. Had a cornhole tournament and dodge ball for afternoon fun. Due to the rain coming in this evening the big tent was taken down and packed up. We also packed up our campsite. Catered Bbq dinner and today was the neon glow night with 2 segments of entertainment. 1st was a band out of Las Vegas and they were good. This was followed by the Rave DJ and this is just not my kind of music.

January 21: Today is leaving day for those who did not pay for an extra night. Woke up to rain so will need to decide if we are staying or heading back to Quartzsite today. If it lets up would enjoy checking out London Bridge in town plus fueling truck and taking care of shopping. Because of the weather we decided to head for Quartzsite as next 2 days are showing as being rainy. Stopped in Parker at Walmart for some shopping then on down to Plamosa RD for Boomerville. Got setup and ran into town and dropped off bacon spice to Tony and Peggy. Picked up Starlink from Rick and Dawnielle and got it hooked up and it works.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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