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2024 6-Escapees Boomerville Plamosa Road

January 21st to January 29th

To sum up our adventure at the Boomerville gathering for 2024, we ended up spending the largest majority of our time at either the big tent or in our campsite visiting with family. We didn't actually do much with the folks that showed up for Boomerville or any of the activities. I guess we did end spending a short amount of time at the CARE auction, till family started arriving on the scene. We had plenty of rain on our drive from Lake Havasu, which had us setting up in a rain shower. We stopped at Walmart on our way through Parker and purchased food etc. to carry us through the month of January.

With all of the clouds during our stay, the clouds created some extra ordinary sunrises and Sunsets, which I took advantage of getting loads of great photos. We were able to see Peggy and Tony a few times while they were at the big tent running the seminar tent, but didn't get much of an opportunity to attend any of the seminars with family being down visiting.

On the 24th, we drove over to the Party On Plamosa, which is annual event put on by the Escapees.It is a wonderful afternoon enjoying fellow members of Escapees, eating food, drinking adult beverages and listening to music. This is an event that we look forward to each year when we are in Quartzsite. We are always amazed when we hear people make the claim that there is nothing to do in Quartzsite. We find ourselves being busier than a one legged paper hanger with all the different things going on here. Be sure to join us for our next adventure of the year.

January 21:Today is leaving day for those who did not pay for an extra night. Woke up to rain so will need to decide if we are staying or heading back to Quartzsite today. If it lets up would enjoy checking out London Bridge in town plus fueling truck and taking care of shopping. Because of the weather we decided to head for Quartzsite as next 2 days are showing as being rainy. Stopped in Parker at Walmart for some shopping then on down to Plamosa RD for Boomerville. Got setup and ran into town and dropped off bacon spice to Tony and Peggy. Picked up Starlink from Rick and Dawnielle and got it hooked up and it works.

January 22: Went into big tent and saw Peggy and Tony for a little bit and brought Peggy out to Roadrunner so she could get coordinates of where their meetup will be.

January 23: Another day of going to the big tent but no parking so came back to the house.

January 24: Party on Plamosa this afternoon

January 25: Went to the Boomers auction till Hailey’s folks Doug and Karen got in then visited with them plus went into Silly Al’s for pizza then came back and enjoyed the fire tent and visiting. Also Jim and Barb made it in so we got to meet them as well.

January 26: Visited with Doug and Karen plus kids came in this afternoon, Aaron Hailey and Bowen. Cindy got to enjoy her Bowen plus campfire and visiting with all. Also Jim and Barb came in today.

January 27: Big tent day plus hanging out at camp visiting. I think that Doug enjoyed the fire tent as he was able to stay warm.

January 28:Aaron and family headed home this morning as well as Doug and Karen. We ran into the big tent on it’s last day of operation. Came back to camp and visited with Jim and Barb till bedtime.

January 29: Jim and Barb left this morning and we broke camp and stopped and dumped tanks, trash, filled fresh water tank then came out to Roadrunner for the get together. Had a fire and everyone got a chance to hang out and visit.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.

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