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January 29: Jim and Barb left this morning and we broke camp and stopped and dumped tanks, trash, filled fresh water tank then came out to Roadrunner for the get together. Had a fire and everyone got a chance to hang out and visit.
XJanuary 30: Tony and Peggy recorded their podcast today with everyone bringing their favorite kitchen gadget or least used gadget. Dinner potluck and campfire time.
January 31: After a potluck breakfast has a quiet time around camp. Took Chloe for a morning walk and early afternoon went and got water, dropped trash and filled empty propane tank. Then met up with rest of group at Beer Belly’s for a drink before going to Silly Als for supper. Returned back to camp for the night plus watched a bit of tv.
February 1: Everyone got together for breakfast again this morning. With rain coming in and being cold and windy not much outdoor activity today. Bryan came out to repair chips on windshield of fellow camper. Elizabeth rode along with him so we got to visit before we all went into the VFW for a few drinks plus getting Bryan’s and Dawnielles membership squared away. Met up with other campers at The Yacht Club for dinner then stopped by Rick and Dawnielles to pickup Amazon packages and visit for a few minutes before heading home for the day. Watched a bit of TV then off to bed.
February 2: Windy day today following a rainy night last night that kept us cooped up. Having a potluck dinner tonight to be followed up with Bingo at the QIA. Added water to the trailer, only 14 gallons so will see how far that gets us. Cindy won one bingo game which covered our buy in plus an extra $14. Rock and Dawnielle joined the Stressless crew for the bingo fun.
February 3: Today was a fun day. We went up to the desert bar with the whole crew here at the Stressless Camping get together. Also joining us were Danielle, Rick, and Brian. Had a good time not only seeing the sites and visiting and drinking but also enjoyed a stop at Walmart and doing some quick shopping. At the end of the evening, we had another potluck here at the campsite. After dark it was a little too cold to stay outside, so we went back to the trailer and watched some movies.
February 4: Today was the last day of the Stressless Camping get together. We finished it off with a potluck and a fire. Good weather today to, sunny and warm and not terribly windy. We went into town and had lunch at the Mexican restaurant for lunch. New folks showed up with 3 dogs that they don’t keep on leash and tend to be troublesome. Overall a good day and a good get together.
For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.
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