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2024 8-Quartzsite AZ February 5th To 28th

February 5th Thru 28th

After the Stressless Camping get together wrapped up we found ourselves being extremely annoyed by the late arriving couple that would not keep their dogs on a leash, nor be very quiet. So we ended up making the command decision to purchaswe a 14 day pass and move over to La Posa South just so that we could get away from them. After getting moved over we were able to enjoy a very nice spot, plus also have Bryan replace our windshield. It was a good place to get away from the folks from "Stressless Camping" that we did not jibe with, plus we got to enjpoy some different sites. From there we moved back over to the Roadrunner area and secured our spot for the "Grand Design Rally. "

February 6: Stopped at the VFW for the Queen on Hearts drawing and a few drinks. The weather today was cloudy, cool and some what drizzly.

February 7: Well the last camp guests left this morning with Aaron & Christine leaving. The folks that showed up late are still here but I don’t think they were really part of the group. Got to have a bunch of entries in the group chat with everyone sharing where they landed after leaving here. The wind kicked up and rolled our ground panels and broke one, which we ordered a replacement for and also bought some clear lacquer to attempt to coat the broken one with to see if we can salvage it. Also while in town we grabbed the packages that were in at Rick & Danielle’s house. I worked on the video for here for the Stressless Camping meet up. Managed to get in a walk today and a few pictures and video.

February 8: Finished up video for the Stressless hangout and uploaded it to YouTube and Rumble. Set it to go live on the 25th. Got 2 coats of clear spray on lacquer on the shattered panel, hoping that it will keep it intact until we can get more coats on it. This afternoon we went and looked for where we want to move to tomorrow after we dump and get water. Think we decided on the front part of Roadrunner over by where we stayed when we had the Lance. Got started on the video slide shoe from when we were at dads.

February 9: We got to move today from Roadrunner into Laposa South. Went ahead and bought ourselves a 14 day permit so that we don’t have to move until it’s time to go to the Grand Design rally back in Roadrunner. We actually find it a relief to have gotten away from, the last folks that were still hanging by us from the Stressless Camping meet up. Seem to have found a pretty nice spot here in Laposa south. We are still in a holding pattern on getting our windshield replaced.

February 10: Well believe it or not today is another cloudy, rainy, wet day. Looking to grill brats today so the weather could make that interesting. Solar not doing so well today with the clouds, so have shutoff all unnecessary electrical draws in an attempt to charge the batteries as much as possible. Made brats on the grill for lunch plus wrapped up the first video for dad’s and got the second one started. It was breezy this afternoon but it appears that the rain is done for a few days. Got lights put out in the yard plus the feather flag. Talked with Joe on the phone this morning and sounds like they are doing good.

February 11: Today is Super Bowl Sunday. We will be going into Rick and Dawnielle ‘s place for a Super Bowl party, not that any of us are really concerned about the game. Today dawned, sunny, and bright with hardly any wind. So it should turn out to be a halfway decent day. Cindy is currently making, her breakfast muffins or whatever a person would call them. We will grab a shower sometime this morning as it is Sunday. Linda stopped by on her way to Lake Havasu and visited for a few hours. Dawnielle woke up sick so we stayed home and watched the last round of the Phoenix Open followed by the Superbowl. KC beat the 49ers in overtime. We made pizza on the egg and ended up burning the cross again.

February 12: Spent a quiet day here at the house. Bit breezy but by putting up a breeze shade we’re able to sit outside and enjoy the day. We went for a walk as well as I took Chloe for a walk. Attempted bbqing chicken legs on the grill but did end up over cooking them a bit. Made an appointment with a dentist in Mexico so we will run down there on Thursday.

February 13: Bryan came out and replaced our windshield today. After that was completed he drove us in to the VFW for drinks and the Queen of Hearts drawing. Rick and Dawnielle joined us and after drinks we went over to Taco Mio’s for dinner. We picked up the stuff that had been delivered to Rick and Dawnielles and came home. Cindy also did laundry this morning and I worked on some of my video training while she was in town.

February 14: We started off our Valentine’s Day with a fire and coffee. We then drove into town and had breakfast, followed by going over to Hi Jolly monument and getting some photo's of the monument and some of the other headstones in the cemetary. Some of the grave sites go back quite a way into the past, mid 1800's to be exact. After this stop we went to the VFW and enjoyed some drinks before coming back to the trailer. We finished off the day watching movies and hanging out with each other.

February 15: So today was go to the dentist in Mexico. Drove down early this morning for a 10am appointment. Ended up getting 3 root canals and 2 teeth extracted today. Go back down March 6th for the crowns and next trip the permanent bridges. When got back got Chloe out and hung outside so could spit out the blood from the extractions. Was nice weather so not bad being outside. Definitely can say that being numbed like that for dental work sucks.

February 16: Stayed here at the trailer and Bryan came out and spent the afternoon and evening with us. Due to how the dentist did my teeth I can’t close my jaw far enough to chew food so eating will be a challenge till can get the next step done.

February 17: Due to the challenge I am having eating we went into town shopping for easy to eat food. Came back to the trailer and made lunch. We ran out to where the GD rally will be and the truck campers group was just finishing up and will start pulling out tomorrow. Came back to trailer and watched tv and relaxed the rest of the day.

February 18: This was somewhat of a get to relax kind of day plus needing to go in and do some work kinda day. Ran into town and helped Bryan with his solar layout, so that he knows what he needs to buy. Went over and chatted with Rick and Danielle while in town. Came back to the house and watched some TV.

February 19: We started this morning off with coffee and a fire. I also was able to finish up the video part two from Dad‘s place. We decided that we would move over here to the location where the Grand Design rally will be taking place, so we started packing up. Cindy got a little bit on the excitable side and turned off the Starlink prior to the upload of the video finishing on Rumble. So I guess tomorrow morning I will need to complete the upload on Rumble. Got hooked up and ran over and dumped and got fresh water and got rid of the trash. Then headed over here to roadrunner for the Grand Design rally that starts next week and got ourselves all set up and now just kicking back and taking her easy.

February 20: We are getting to enjoy and relax today by having moved over here yesterday afternoon. Bryan came out this afternoon and we enjoyed an afternoon and evening of visiting and drinking with him. I got the chance to go for a walk today around the parking area for the rally.

February 21: With today being Wednesday it was shower day so after breakfast I got that taken care of and took my last antibiotic for my abscess. Also finished uploading the second video from Dad‘s to Rumble. We ran into town and did some grocery shopping and came back to the house and put the groceries away. Watched a bit of TV as well as the new rigs that were pulling in. Enjoyed the sunset and did a couple of games on the phone, filled this out and now it’s time to go veg out in front of the TV.

February 22: Found attempted charges to my Apple Card from RFD TV and Camtasia, so went and attempted to stop them. Moved all of my journaling to this free app from Apple. Also think that I will stop the pro charges for GasBuddy, as I don’t believe that we are saving enough to justify the cost. We sat out and watched the sunset and then found a decent show on the tube and watched it till bedtime.

February 23: We forgot about the volunteer meeting at VFW this morning for the poker run, but we were able to get in there in time to help move some tables and umbrellas plus clean the bar. We were also shown what we will be doing tomorrow and that we need to be there by 7:15am. Bob and Johni got in this afternoon and setup so we are now a group of 2 with another 4 rigs expected before the start of the rally. Watched some soccer on the tube this afternoon and will be setting outside to enjoy the sunset again today. Temp got up to 74 today so very nice weather today with just a bit of a breeze. They are continuing work on getting prepared for the event. We also got water on our way back from the VFW and added water to the trailer.

February 24: Today we got to go in and help the VFW with registration for their Poker Run. They had a great turnout for the event. Cindy and I enjoyed being able to help out. We also went over and looked at the property that Elizabeth is interested in for her with the listing agent. We will need to call and chat with her about what we found. When we got back to the trailer after having supper we got to visit with Bob and Johni till about 9pm. Very enjoyable to share travel stories and then off to bed for all of us.

February 25: Quiet day to spend here at the house. We decided not to go down to howling at the moon, rest sounded better. Typed up an article for our website, watched some TV and basically vegged out. I did watch some of my training videos.

February 26: Today was the first day to register for the rally so we took care of that plus bought more wash wax product from Jarrod. Then back at house had some lunch, topped up article for website and video script for Painted Rock Petroglyph site. Then some tube to finish out the day.

February 27: Got to visit with Bob and Joni this evening and watch as more rigs came in today.

February 28: Today was a great day with David and Cathy making it in. I also went on the side by side ride with the group, riding in Bob’s rig. Saw some of the back country here in Quartzsite and got lots of pics and videos. Also Troy and Donna made it in today and we spent the evening over at their camp chatting.

For more details about our adventures click on the links at the top of the page.